Remember the second string Rams QB that came in for Marc Bulger this year and did about as good? No? Well do you remember that hot moron that mistook the Miss America pageant as Larry King Live and decided to tell the world that one dude and another dude shouldn’t get married because apparently that actually effect her in some way.
Also, she’s hot, so because of that she has some valid points.
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St. Louis is Looking For 24 of You, and It Will Find You
According to the Globe-Democrat, managed to kill 24 less people in 2009 than in 2008.
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department reported there were 143 homicides recorded in the city for 2009. That’s 24 fewer than the 167 homicides reported in the city during 2008. Police departments record crimes such as homicides that become part of the FBI’s Uniform Crime statistics
24 of you got away…and St. Louis pissed.
You think you’re going to get away with this?
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Normandy to Eat Wellston, Not in a Sexy Way
Come Thursday it will all be official, the Wellston school district will be no more come June 30th, 2010. The students will be folded in to the Normandy school district, and the staff’s contracts will be terminated.
Wellston’s facilities are inadequate, its students have not made enough academic progress, its superintendent is retiring, its finances are stable but weak, there is little hope of more help from the state and this is the right time to try something new.
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What Google Thinks About St. Louis
So Basically, Every Street in St. Louis Sucks to Cross
Our fair city’s mayor loves him so social media, and he knows that people love to complain, so the other day he sent out a call on Twitter that went a little something like this: Which street that you regularly cross do you find most difficult? The mayor got tons of answers back, that he posted on his blog. Of course most of the reply tweets are crazy-hard to read because Twitter frowns on full words and sentence structure.
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Missouri on Lower Half of Gay Marriage Support
The Sociological Images blog recently put together some data on gay marriage support grouped by age bracket and ordered by a state’s overall support. The overall takeaways of the graph are pretty clear, the younger generation is considerably more supportive of gay marriage, even in states that are generally considered toxic to gay rights like Utah or Alabama.
Of course the other thing you can take away from this data is how each state feels about the gay marriage movement.
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Stock Photos of White Old People Are Racist Thinks Moron
I’m not here to be that guy that tells everyone that racism doesn’t exist any more. It totally does and seen plenty of it with my own eyes. This however, isn’t it:
When Sonja McClendon searched for senior housing for her 87-year-old black father in St. Louis County, she spotted advertisements for housing centers that didn’t feature any black people. “That’s offensive,” she said. “It says that’s who lives here and maybe that’s the way we want to keep it.
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Officials Say Meth Use Falling, Not So Says Shirtless Guy With Holes In Teeth
According to a national study that was just released, the number of people older than 12 that use meth in this area fell 60% between 2006 and 2008. Not only that, but the number of people trying meth also dropped 60% as well. Alright! High-five cops!
But law enforcement officials took little solace in the numbers.
Awww. Um…great. Way to kill the mood.
Now we are happy folk that see the good in these number, but maybe the cops just think that maybe meth heads were too busy to do the survey those years, or the meth death rates jumped up 60% those 2 years.
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Yoked By Our Own History
Who doesn’t love YouTube? I kind of always relate it to New Orleans in that you go in there for what you say is a second and then in an instant you are hypnotized by the sheer number of crazy things to look at, 90% of which is stupid and or gross, and in the end you stumble out with nothing but feelings of guilt a few stories.
On our more recent trip to YouTube, we found this gem below from a guy that appears to be traveling the country and doing little videos for each stop.
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Would Increasing the Drivers License Age Limit Create a Utopia?
Ed “You Punks Get Off My Lawn” Willis thinks so, as he stated in his Letter to the Editor:
We can improve the economy, benefit the environment, and save lives, all in one fell swoop. However, this change will require a great deal of courage and a strong sense of responsibility on the part of parents and lawmakers. We must take the car keys away from 16 year olds. The minimum age for a driver’s license should be 18.
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