Any of your tweet-up crazed St. Louis social media butterflies have a boner and not know why? It’s probably because St. Louis’ own Jack Dorsey, Twitter creator, is coming to town to speak at Webster University on September 18th.
St. Louis Post Dispatch’s Deb Peterson had this to say:
Dorsey, 32, graduated from Bishop Dubourg High School in 1995. The newsy part of this for anyone who already knew that the Twitter co-founder, who has 1,161,116 followers (make that 1,161,117 since I just jumped on), was a local product, is that Dorsey will be in town Sept.
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It’s Official: Cornett Out, Devine In on the Bull’s Morning Shift
We mentioned this a while back, but now is reporting its all official and junk.
Radio trades and Secret Squirrel seem to agree: Bull mid-dayer Jill Devine is now officially on mornings permanently and PD Billy Greenwood is moving from PM Drive to Mid-days.
We don’t listen to country music, but we do love Jill Devine and hope she does well in her new time slot!
That being said, this was yet another truly bizarre move by Clearchannel.
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O’Fallon MO Police Join Twitter
The O’Fallon MO police department have joined Twitter! In other news, the Fonz successfully landed his death-defying jump over the shark.
The OPD have squeezed out a total of four tweets, the first on August 19th, and have managed to scrape together a surprising 49 followers. @ofallonpolice themselves, are only following St. Louis’ Major Case Squad (@majorcasesquad)
As of this writing, they did not respond to our question via a Twitter reply:
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More Expensive Talent Exits the Post Dispatch
We told you! We knew Pam Maples wouldn’t be the last high-priced head in the basket below the Post Dispatch’s guillotine. Yesterday news broke that the deputy managing editor, Christy Bertelson is retiring. Yup, retiring. Read in to that what you may…
Bertelson has worked at the Post for 23 years, working her way up from reporter to her current post, and helping lead the PD through their best times.
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Kramer’s Website is Maybe the Worst Thing Ever
The bad acid-trip of a website you see below is that of former KTRS “shock jock” Kramer.
How can you not love a website that not only will make you go blind from looking directly at it’s 1990’s Geocities-hosted greatness, but also features just awesome stuff as “What is Kramer licking?”, “Kramer Kourt” or “The Lunatic Fringe Kramer Show”? What the hell is it that this guy does these days exactly?
[Read More] is the Internet Version of Those Clipboard Ladies in the Mall
Hey, this
has got to stop.
If you can’t read that writing about this demographic survey that pops up while using their cluttered site, it reads:
To help us keep available to all users free of charge, please answer the following questions. You should not be asked these questions again during future visits using the same computer.
Register now to post, publish and participate and save keystrokes later.
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Attention St. Louis! Cakelady is Ruining Our Rants and Raves Section!
If you were wondering why the Rants and Raves section on the St. Louis corner of popular classifieds site Craigslist is filled with postings like: “Why do guys always look at by boobs”, “I Have An Assgasm When I Shove Cake Up My Ass” and “Posh and Donkey’s” its all cakelady’s fault!
Rants and raves used to be a halfway intelligent forum. Not anymore. Now all I see are racist rants (way to make St.
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Now the Whole Country Gets to “Enjoy” Dana Loesch Like We Do
…and the legend of St. Louis’s favorite Fox News affiliated, but not really (but actually is) radio show host and blogger, Dana Loesch grows. This time Loesch appeared on CNN going toe to toe with ironically named liberal radio show host Ron Regan. Here’s the clip:
Loesch continues her schtick, patented by others before her, of smiling and not looking like a old bald rich white guy and then firing back with “well maybe they had a conceal and carry license?
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Blind Item: Stupid Like a…
Which local TV station is had this exchange their employees recently:
Station: You get a free 2 week vacation!
Employees: Woohoo!
Station: We aren’t going to pay you though.
Employees: D’oh.
Translating Pam Maples’ Goodbye Memo to Post Dispatch Staff

Last Friday evening, Pam Maples, the managing editor of the Post Dispatch “resigned” and with the timing and the surrounding details, it didn’t exactly add up to us, and we weren’t the only ones that thought so. Yesterday, the plot thickened as Maples’ goodbye memo to the Post Dispatch staff was leaked to the Riverfront Times.
As a public service to our sexy readers, we will now translate the letter for you from BS to real talk.
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