Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Coming Home to Speak at Webster University

Any of your tweet-up crazed St. Louis social media butterflies have a boner and not know why? It’s probably because St. Louis’ own Jack Dorsey, Twitter creator, is coming to town to speak at Webster University on September 18th. St. Louis Post Dispatch’s Deb Peterson had this to say: Dorsey, 32, graduated from Bishop Dubourg High School in 1995. The newsy part of this for anyone who already knew that the Twitter co-founder, who has 1,161,116 followers (make that 1,161,117 since I just jumped on), was a local product, is that Dorsey will be in town Sept. [Read More]

Links Around St. Louis and Beyond – All Star Edition

The Riverfront Times put together a Guide to All Star Weekend, including their St. Louis “map” Don’t miss the section of where sports celebs live to get your stalk on. Patrick Says tells the tale of how his paid blogging past cost him a laptop. Is that irony? You decide. The discussion of the “Largest Tweetup Ever” continues on Simple Justice. Mary Louise Parker gets a little naked for…does it matter? [Read More]

Rex7 Responds to Stories About His Failed Tweetup Record

This morning two stories came out taking aim at the “St. Louis World Record Tweetup” event try that took place on Friday, July 3rd. One, by yours truly “The ‘Largest’ Tweetup Falls a Bit Short of Record“, and the other by Bill Streeter of the Riverfront Times: “What If You Threw the LARGEST TWEET UP IN ST. LOUIS and No One Showed Up?“ We tracked down Rex7 on Twitter, who gracefully linked to both stories in his Twitter feed, and asked him for a comment on the event and Streeter’s “fake followers” claim. [Read More]

The “Largest” Tweetup Falls a Bit Short of Record

The “Largest” Tweetup Falls a Bit Short of Record
[Editor’s Note: Update x2 below!] What was billed as “St. Louis’ Largest Tweetup Ever” fell a bit short on Friday…well, from what we hear, a lot short. First, the backstory: Tweetup (noun): An organized or impromptu gathering of people that use Twitter. (A meet up of people that ‘tweet’ using Twitter.) [via Urban Dictionary] News had been bubbling through the St. Louis hardcore Twitter crowd about an attempt by two twitters, @Rex7 and @Prebynski, to put together a “record breaking” Tweetup. [Read More]