PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

We’re Sick, Be Back Tomorrow

Sorry for the odd meta post, but after nothing on Thursday, Friday and then today, we felt the need to say on the site that our lack of posts is not because we’re dead, or totally agree with your father and got tired of your crap, we’re just sick.

We should be back on Tuesday.


Building Explodes in Joplin, MO

“Whew! We made it! We thought our business would be done for sure during the now infamous Joplin tornados, but somehow our auto paint supply building and business managed to survive and good thing too, because it’s rough out here now and our house sure took a beating. I was just sayin’ to Jan the other day how happy I am we still have money rolling in. A lot of people weren’t as fortunate as… [Read More]

North City White Castle Thief Thought She Could Make the Jump

A North City woman is in the hospital after jumping from the roof of a third story building because she was being chased by police after robbing a nearby White Castle drive-through. You know an illegal adventure involving White Castle looks like fun in the movies, but in real life Neil Patrick Harris isn’t always there to catch you when you fall. The employee handed a locked cash drawer to the woman who then drove away. [Read More]

Lil Wayne Busted His Head at a St. Louis Skate Park Last Night

Lil Wayne played the St. Louis portion of his tour last night and according to his Twitter, he took off for a local skate park right after the show, which is actually pretty damn cool. He’s not very good though, and busted the hell out of his head proving once again that dreads and metal teeth aren’t as protective as they might appear. The important part of all of this is that he “luvs” us…granted he hit his head pretty hard so that might have been a factor, but we’ll take it! [Read More]

The Jersey School District Hates Colored Hair, Might Be Pro-Cancer

Those two school yard terrorists are a distracting menace and must be stopped. Thank goodness the Jersey School District acted so quickly upon seeing what these deranged sickos had done to their hair. Seriously! Who dyes their hair a non-standard color? How did they even do it?! This is the first we’re hearing of any such ability to change hair color! The superintendent says colorful hair is against the rules. [Read More]

Jailed Miami Booster Navin Shapiro Ruins Everything

You might have heard that ESPN interrupted its continual coverage of how the Yankees and Red Sox are doing, to bring you an important message about Navin Shapiro and how his blabbing led to another university being caught being all about the money instead of whatever it is universities used to do before college sports made money. The school in question is the University of Miami, but the local connection is how this story has tainted the “I don’t win games, but I’m honest” image of the new Mizzou basketball coach, Frank Haith. [Read More]

OMG, KSDK’s Kay Quinn Was Hacked!

You guys stay sharp out there, a hacker is on the loose! Just ask KDSK (channel 5)’s Kay Quinn, who was recently “hacked”. It seems I’ve been hacked. Sorry if you got the inappropriate message being send from an old account. Be sure you DON’T click on it. People always like to lay their lack of basic computer knowledge on a “hacker” since that way they are stupid, it was a hacker that clearly must have picked them out of the billions on the planet and targeted them. [Read More]

High School Summer Camp “Pranked” With Pot Brownies

A summer band camp in O’Fallon, IL is being investigated after a complaint that marijuana-laced brownies were given out as a prank. To us, this “prank” sounds like a way to waste your pot on a bunch of band geeks, but maybe there’s one of those overly hot ones these guys really wanted to see if they could get her high and…have her blow your woodwinds if you get what we’re putting down. [Read More]

Kirkwood Lady Thinks Spending Nearly A Thousand Dollars on a Banner Made a Difference

The United States government is having a rough go of it lately and someone needed to do something! Someone needed to step up, be a leader and fill that emptiness we all seem to be carrying around these days! Who’s it going to be? Show us a sign! At about 11:30 AM on Tuesday, a plane flew by the S&P offices in New York dragging a banner behind it saying: “THANKS FOR THE DOWNGRADE. [Read More]

The Internet Says St. Louis Has a PR Problem

There are all kinds of wonderful uses for the internet! To just name a few off the top of our head, there’s porn, midget porn, banner ads that have playable games, amputee porn, Wikipedia, the Mayor’s Twitter stream, and of course, Disney character porn (we both know you want to, but please don’t search for that until you’re home from work tonight). Over the weekend we found one more thing for that list: Asking random people questions. [Read More]