PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Please Stop Rapping About St. Louis

Our apologies to Corle 2 Da. His “So St. Louis” video is no longer the “Worst Music Video Ever”, this big sensory turd known as “South City” by the Deuce is now the worst thing we’ve ever seen. Interesting side note: Deuce also holds the title of lamest, most generic artist name…unless they mean “Deuce” like “We’re going to take a deuce in your ear with our horrible rapping.” If that’s the case, it quickly becomes the most clever. [Read More]

Craig Cornett Died

Craig Cornett, the former morning show host on St. Louis’s 93.7 The Bull who disappeared from the public eye after being let go from the station and getting in to trouble with the law early last year, was found dead Tuesday in his Jonesboro, Arkansas home. Police say Cornett was found sitting upright in a chair. His ex-wife said she thought he was asleep, but when she tried to wake him she noticed he was cold to the touch, he was not breathing, and his feet were purple. [Read More]

Missouri Representative Zach Wyatt Comes Out to Fight Anti-Gay Bill

Today, during a press conference in which he read a prepared statement to a small group, Missouri Representative Zach Wyatt, a Republican, publicly came out while opposing the “Don’t Say Gay Bill“. This news is a bit of a surprise as Wyatt now stands as the lone gay Republican currently in office, but it’s no surprise to anyone that had visited Wyatt’s Wikipedia page: An orange dress shirt? No straight man would dare buy or wear that unless it was in puffy hunting vest form. [Read More]

Quick! Help Fund the Cinco de Mayo Parade

It’s no secret that one of our favorite things that St. Louis does every year is Cherokee Street’s Cinco de Mayo festival and the 4 year old parade. The parade is an awesomely random collection of weird costumes, bands, people riding scooters and cute little kids dressed as…well…it’s pretty clear they made their own costume. After that it’s street tacos and latin bands singing about who the hell knows what while old white ladies dance. [Read More]

Stop Shooting People in Their Faces You Assholes!

Again. It happened again! A 17-year-old hospitalized after he was shot in the face. It happened Monday night near Bryant and O’Fallon in north St. Louis. The unidentified teen is hospitalized in serious condition. (That’s the whole story on KMOX’s site. Not sure why it was phrased in extended Haiku form.) Why do we have to keep going over this?! August 9th, 2010: “Dude Buying CDs Gets Shot in the Face“ [Read More]

Two Year Old Found Wandering the Streets of Florissant

It’s pretty weird to see a baby walking the streets of Florissant, and even weirder when it’s not pregnant or trying to sell you weed, but that’s exactly what happened Monday (not the selling weed parts, but word was his prices weren’t that great). Katisha Reese said she found the boy barefoot and holding one show [sic] in the 6400 block of Hadden Bay Road. She picked him up and called police. [Read More]

KSDK’s Julie Tristan Got Some Attention For Her David Freese “Interview”

Julie Tristan, of KSDK and previously of 101 The River fame, got a little attention over the weekend after sports blog Deadspin took shots at her David Freese interview. Essentially, Deadspin used the piece in which Tristan rides Six Flags’ “Mr. Freeze” ride with the Cardinal third baseman and playfully hits on him with her friend, as an example of what is wrong with all local new media. Here’s a link to the KSDK video in question. [Read More]

STLToday Facebook Poll Reveals the NFL Draft Makes Your Dick Hurt

A source sent this screenshot of a STLToday Facebook poll on Friday over the tip line (/tips or [email protected]): According to the source, it didn’t stay up for long, but still interesting to know that while the majority of the St. Louis sports faithful agree with the Rams’ draft strategy, others wanted a better wide receiver, or it just all simply made their dick hurt. Factor in failures like this and their constant use of pop up ads, and maybe it makes more sense to just have the Post Dispatch stick to writing stuff on dead trees. [Read More]

The Rams New Draft Choice Michael Brockers is Already a Big Shot

The Rams hadn’t even drafted LSU’s Michael Brockers before the guy already started on his big shot pro athlete schtick. How do we know? Twitter of course! If Jose Canseco has taught us anything, it’s that you are exactly what your Twitter feed says you are. Brockers took to his Twitter account hours before the draft with news that he… Already has that football player style down: He uses little pictures to tell you that he’s rich now: [Read More]

JC Corcoran Fired, Trish Gazall Quits (and Returns to) KTRS

Updates below! Short version: While we are 100% confident in our source saying Trish unoficially quit Thursday, they have apparently convinced her to stay. (This was confirmed by Trish via Twitter) Original post follows… We have independently confirmed what STLToday’s Deb Peterson broke yesterday: JC Corcoran has been fired from KTRS. However, our source told us that show producer and on air “sidekick” Trish Gazall will not be staying on, which is contrary to what was reported by Peterson. [Read More]