Update: FourSquare Coming to St. Louis This Fall?

In an update to our previous Foursquare post, friend-of-the-site Bill Streeter at the Riverfront Times actually got Foursquare to answer an email [Editor’s Note: Well la-de-da!]. So I sent Foursquare co-founder Dennis Crowley an email and asked him when they planned on launching in St. Louis. He emailed me back almost immediately. He said that they were just a two man operation that was a little overwhelmed by the sudden popularity to Foursquare and they were scrambling to hire help to expand. [Read More]

This Top 10 List Seems A Little Lame

Over at the 24/7 live show that is live.pirillo.com, host Chris Pirillo asked his viewers for a list of their favorite tourist attractions in their home town. Here’s the video: Here’s the problem: It’s kind of a lame list. For those that didn’t/can’t watch the video, here’s what the dude sent in: The Arch. City Museum Cathedral Basilica Science Center The Zoo Botanical Gardens The A.B. Tour Forest Park Museum of Transportation The Loop I count 50-60% of that list as acceptable. [Read More]

Sara Dayley Might Get Benched at 101 ESPN

Sara Dayley Might Get Benched at 101 ESPN
This isn’t something we are happy to report, but we are hearing that Sara Dayley, the morning sports update reporter for the FM Sports station, may be on her way out, with reports varying between her getting let go and her leaving on her own. There has always been a contingent that wasn’t a fan of her updating skills and still others believe that she was hired based on her looks rather than other, more radio-appropriate. [Read More]

KSDK vs St. Louis’ Finest: Its On Now!

KSDK vs St. Louis’ Finest: Its On Now!
A little while back we told you about the brewing war between St. Louis’ NBC affiliate KSDK and St. Louis Cops. It appears channel 5’s reporter Leisa Zigman didn’t feel reportery enough so she got out her fedora, tucked her press pass in the band and went off to uncover a scandal! Long story short, she didn’t find one. Instead, Zigman decided to do a “report” on St. Louis police officers parking in no-parking spaces throughout the city, including in front of their own station! [Read More]

Oh Foursquare, Why Do You Hate St. Louis?

There are 2 things that are up pretty high on the cool list these days: 1. Mobile apps (in particular the iPhone) and 2. location apps. The problem? Foursquare, the “cool kid” in the mobile location game space is still, at this time, not available for St. Louis! Why Foursquare?! Why! What is Foursquare? From their site: We’re all about helping you find new ways to explore the city. We’ll help you meet up with your friends and let you earn points and unlock badges for discovering new places, doing new things and meeting new people. [Read More]

STLToday Takes Annoying Ads to the Next Level

STLToday Takes Annoying Ads to the Next Level
Hi STLToday.com, thanks for coming over, have a seat. You know that show on A&E where these people confront someone that is doing drugs or whatever and thus is in desperate need of money so sometimes they start whoring themselves out to anyone that will give them a buck even if what they want to do to them is totally messed up? Today we are doing that for you. No no no! [Read More]

YouTube Find: Tums For the Tummy

Maybe it was a childhood reared on Mr. Rogers watching him show me how crayons are made, but I love seeing factory tours. In that vein we found a clip from KETC, channel 9, where they toured the St. Louis Tums factory! …its a little boring and “PBSy” in the beginning, but once the actual factory tour starts its pretty cool. Unless its just me that gets geeked up about stuff like this…if thats the case then we are showing this because its ironic lame, like all those “old” tshirts they sell at Wal-Mart, and proving that we are straight punk. [Read More]

Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report?

Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report?

Found on YouTube, this clip from a 1991 CNN broadcast, with added subtitles, claims that CNN and then reporter, now Fox 2 KTVI reporter and 550AM host, Charles Jaco fake a remote, leading people to believe that they were in some hostile area rather than a soundstage of sorts.

After watching the video, I have to lean towards agreeing this this guy, but really who knows, and more importantly, no one does or should care, but the video is pretty damn funny.  This isn’t just some Daily Show-esque “remote,” they have props (a gas mask and helmet from the set of MASH make an appearance), Jaco is rocking a pretty awesome, yet understated mustache, and there is a montage at the end of behind the scenes-type clips that the author uses as further evidence.

We also get this “warning” at the end for us sheeple to wake up!  We’ll pass on your warning there Neo, but thanks for the funny video.


Watch the clip after the jump, and let us know what you think!  Does this kinda thing actually bother you?

[Read More]

St. Louis Rants and Raves: The Pulse of a City

If you are new here, you may not know that we have kind of an obsession with Craiglist’s Missed Connections. Missed Connections are a beautiful mix of angst, confidence, and crazy…but we might have been missing something better… Dude, Rants and Raves is awesome! We need to catch up, so I present you “The Pulse of a City”: Where are the street walkers in Granite never see any their but I hear they are their, where could they be? [Read More]