Mayor Slay: Hey NFL, Have the Giants and Vikings Game in St. Louis! NFL: No.

At this point, we’re quite sure that you know all about the Giants and Vikings NFL adventure: The Giants tried to get to Minnesota, but got stranded in Kansas City (sucks for them), causing Sunday’s game to be played on Monday…and then…this shit happened. …which moved the game to Detroit. You also know that the Vikings got destroyed and people talked about Brett Favre the whole time. What you might now have known is that one mayor offered to have the game played at his local stadium instead of Detroit. [Read More]


If St. Louisans start to get the feeling that KSDK (NBC affiliate, Channel 5) only serves up national TV just so they can build up confindence that sitcoms and sporting events will air in St. Louis so they can later arbitrarily remove it, pooping all over your TV watching plans to make you hate life we wouldn’t blame you. The last few years KSDK has become infamous for ruining people’s Sunday afternoon or evenings by yanking things like NBC Sports coverage or popular sitcoms in lieu of stupid local programming that they needed to sell ads on to make budget. [Read More]

InsideSTL and KFNS’ Tim McKernan to Get Married to Girlfriend

According to Deb Peterson of, Tim McKernan, who looks like a thumb if he tilts his head a certain way (see right), and of InsideSTL and 590AM KFNS (and previously 1380AM KSLG and before that, KFNS again) is getting married to his girlfriend of two-ish years. McKernan said today that he got down on bended knee while the couple watched a perfect sunset on a beach in Sanibel. “That’s how it went down,” he added. [Read More]

Governor Nixon Went Hunting and Gave His Kill to Homeless People

Governor Jay Nixon took down a big kill during his latest hunting excursion and in a freaking press release, has announced that he is donating the meat to the homeless. No word yet if the Governor plans on doing a press release if he gives a quarter to a bum at the Metrolink station. Governor Nixon gave his kill to Share the Harvest, a program that allows hunters to donate their kills to be processed and then disbursed to local food banks and shelters. [Read More]

J.C. Corcoran Told Some Whiny Bitch to Shut Up

Friend-of-the-site, J.C. Corcoran recently found a seat behind a microphone again after nearly a year of being “on the beach,” on middays at KTRS (550 AM). However, like the conservation of mass (Physics reference boosh!), the conservation of radio jobs works os that when Corcoran came in, someone must go…that person was not-exactly-a-friend-of-the-site Charles Jaco. (Previous story) Up to speed now? Good. Well you should also know that people hate change, and so the other day J. [Read More]

Keith Olberman Gives St. Louis Pundit Dana Loesch a TV Hug on Return Show

After being “indefinitely” suspended for all of 4 days, two of them being weekend days he doesn’t work anyway, MSNBC’s Keith Olberman sat his ass back down in his leftist cable pundit throne Tuesday night. Not until the end of his show did Olberman really address his suspecition because of violating a NBC News policy for not previously seeking permission before making private campaign donations. This clip below is a chunk of his statement on his suspension and subsequent rebirth from a trashcan fire no one was really all that worried about, right after he told everyone he did nothing wrong and right before he played a whole Daily Show segment… [Read More]

No More Music Lyric Tweets!

We have a secret to divulge…we monitor all of your “tweets.” Yes, all of them. Most are fine, a few are great, and a bunch are so horrible that it makes us want to kick and old lady down the stairs and then pee on her. True story, and we want to remind you that feelings can’t be wrong.

Let’s just get right down to it: You’ve seriously got to stop tweeting song lyrics. Stop it. Stop it right now. It doesn’t make you deep, and frankly it doesn’t even really help the artist themselves seem deep. Right now, assuming you do this, and you know if you do, you’re saying “Whatever. That band I like has totally amazing lyrics that have gotten me through some tough times! They are poets man!” We aren’t sure how to break this to you, but writing stuff that sounds deep isn’t tough and lots of bands that are universally recognized as crap have done it plenty of times. Examples? So glad you asked!

Here are 5 totally deep sounding lyric tweets that any kid with dark hair permanently in their eyes could poop out of their keyboard and other emo kids would be all like “Wow. Totally been there man. I so feel these lyrics.”…but wait, what’s this? A hash tag signifying the artist? …what the f*ck?! Wham? Wham sang that? Now I hate these lyrics that so recently moved me!

1. She sits alone by a lamppost, trying to find a thought that’s escaped her mind.

2. Can’t believe, All the lies that you told, Just to ease your own soul.

3. There’s a path you take and a path untaken. The choice is up to you my friend.

4. If you feel like dancing, well come on, it’s up to you.

5. Dance a little stranger, show me where you’ve been. Love can make you hostage wanna do it again

The matching hashtags for each of these totally deep emotional tweets are after the jump!

Also in protest of these heinous Twitter crimes, we will be tweeting select lyrics from KC & JoJo songs throughout the day so even the music tweeters can know the pain these cause.

[Read More]

Fox 2’s John Brown Gets Beat Up by a Little Cardinal

Found on YouTube: KTVI Fox2’s John Brown gets bit by a Cardinal he was holding at the bird sanctuary. He apparently had named the little red cardinal “Albert”…not sure why. Don’t see any connection there. If he was making a joke, he should really come off his high horse and do something more relatable, because who knows what he was referring to. Maybe John will explain the obscure reference needed to understand why naming a cardinal “Albert” would be funny. [Read More]

Calm Down, Woody and Rizzuto are Probably Just Messing With You

So it appears 105.7 the Point’s morning show duo weren’t on the air Monday morning. We know that because we got a lot of traffic from people Googling for “Woody and Rizzuto suspended” and messages from all over that went just like this one we got on Facebook: Any idea what Woody and Rizz said on the Point last week that got their show pulled this morning? Well our readers are apparently Point fans and if they want to know what’s going down over at Emmis Radio, we’re happy to oblige! [Read More]

KFNS Actually Found a Way to Reach Fewer People Tuesday Morning

If you noticed a distinct lack of “sports” talk that is 8 parts gay jokes and 2 parts Mizzou talk, its probably because your only choice for sports talk was 101ESPN‘s Mike & Mike in the Morning after Monday night’s storm kicked over the flattened out coat hanger 590 AM KFNS uses to broadcast. The morning static was confirmed by the station’s morning show host, Tim McKernan… McKernan, who’s handles most of the day’s programming on KFNS, did their show through the internets until the station came back on line a few hours later. [Read More]