PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

St. Louis’ Sports Jesus Says Denver’s Sports Jesus Should Stop Talking About Regular Jesus So Much

That headline is legit! We swear to G…eh. Better not do that in this post. Seriously though, Kurt Warner took some time the other day to tell Tim Tebow, he who’s name in verb form means a quick post-game prayer in the middle of the freaking field or any other random place (Tebowing.com), to give it a rest with the God talk. “You can’t help but cheer for a guy like that,” Warner said of Tebow. [Read More]

KTRS’ JC Corcoran Suspended 2 Weeks for Telling Pretty Much Everyone To Blow Themselves

So remember when we celebrated “JC Corcoran Says Pujols Will Re-Sign Today” Day? Well that whole thing is still going on. No, not the actual day, that came and went with no Pujols news. What’s still been happening is all the chatter since then which came to a head yesterday after KTRS suspended Corcoran for two weeks, as was initially reported by STLToday, but was independently confirmed with our sources as well. [Read More]

Woah There Onion, You’re Stealing Our Schtick!

The Onion just posted an article, entitled “U.S. Adds 4 Million Jobs But In St. Louis“. Here’s a sampling: The Labor Department reported Monday that the U.S. economy created a staggering 4 million jobs in October, though government officials hastened to add that the new positions are all located in the St. Louis metropolitan area. “Though this much- needed job growth would bring our unemployment rate down to a far more manageable six and a half percent, at the end of the day, it’s St. [Read More]

The Legend of Links

It’s been a while since we’ve done a proper link post, highlighting some of the best things being said around town, so we’re gonna do one. Right now. **Joe Sports Fan: **A word (give or take a thousand) about JC Corcoran… JC Corcoran has dug himself a hole over this Pujols thing and has chosen to just keep digging, and Joe Sports Fan is calling him on his shit. Good for them! [Read More]

Wildwood Man Gets Caught Using Fake Dick to Pass Drug Test

Here’s what we learned today: Drug test forging or “possession of a forging instrumentality” are felonies. In more layman’s terms, trying to get past your court mandated drug-checking urine test by purchasing a fake penis filled with fake piss can get you in a lot of trouble. According to paperwork filed in St. Louis County Circuit Court, Eric A. Throckmorton, 29, of the 16200 block of Port of Nantucket in the Grover area of Wildwood, was charged earlier this month with one count each of forgery and possession of a forging instrumentality. [Read More]

Really Happy Fat Guy Busted For Marijuana Possession

Richard Nolan was arrested by the Illinois State Police after they stopped the 66 year old for “improper lane usage” and found eight duffel bags filled with marijuana. All told, Nolan has 118 pounds of the wacky tobacky in the car while driving on I-55/I-70. Nolan’s picture (right) illustrating his jubliant demeanor means that it was either taken just before they told him that he won’t be taking his luggage full of weed with him, just after he helped himself to that special brownie in his pocket, the mugshot guy has really mastered the “look at the stuffed animal to make people smile” technique, or it’s just true that fat old people really are just jolly all the time. [Read More]

Pujols’ Agent is a Horrible Person but Loves Hookers

Albert Pujols, the famed Cardinal first baseman, is about to cash in on a monster contract and as you’d imagine that’s just fine with his agent Dan Lozano who could really use that 5% cut to pay off his debts and buy a bunch of hookers to bang. This and oh so much more, is according to Deadspin who received a package in the mail full of nasty, verifiable things that Dan Lozano, the “King of Sleaze Mountain” has done. [Read More]

St. Louis University Wants to Demolish the Pevely Building

Everyone recognizes the old Pevely building just south of downtown on Grand, and it’s fair to say that most would put it up there in the list of “St. Louis City Visual Icons, Not Named ‘The Arch’” along with the Budweiser neon eagle, and that homeless guy with the long beard at Jefferson and 40 who sells pixie stix and possibly eats people. No proof. Just getting a vibe. Oh well, the homeless canibal and the neon eagle aren’t going anywhere, but the Pevely building might be if St. [Read More]

Happy JC Corcoran Says Pujols Will Re-Sign Today Day!

Update: So it’s now officially Saturday and Pujols is still a free agent. Not because Corcoran was wrong of course, it was probably because this thing, this other thing and what’s his face did that stuff they were thinking about doing and that pushed the whatever back a few whatevers until it’s all ready. Then he’ll be right. You’ll see. Original post below… It’s Friday, and that’s a big deal for another reason other than the fact you get to wear a knit shirt and chinos to work and spring for the beer at TGIFridays during lunch. [Read More]