PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Ladies Shouldn’t Pee at the Spear Construction Company (Updated)

Updated below with an anonymous response. The owner of the Crestwood construction company is in trouble after it was discovered he had wired up a hidden camera in the ladies room. A woman employee is obviously pretty “pissed” about it, but for any other non-employees: What you’re peeing in a construction company office? How bad did you have to go? How long were you there? Did this guy give everyone a gallon jug of water in the waiting room? [Read More]

Policeman Fake Arrests Kid During Career Day

During Washington Montessori School’s career day a police officer decided it would be fun to arrest a six-year old because when he asked him his name he gave the officer a “fake name”. In a effort to make a point about lying to the police, the officer cuffed the child and put him in the back of his squad car. Guess what happened…no don’t bother, the kid cried. Probably because he was nervous, but maybe because he had weed in his pocket, but either way he cried, and now his mom is pissed! [Read More]

Horrible Kitten Crime With Cute Photo Chaser

KMOX has a story about multiple kittens that were killed and then lined up in a Belleville, Illinois park: [A woman] found the bodies of dead kittens, seven in all,- near some railroad tracks. Their bodies were lined up all in a row. According to police spokesman Sgt. Don Sax the kittens may have been killed “by an animal”, and were later discovered and lined up by someone, perhaps a child. [Read More]

Horse Outsmarts Downtown Carriage Jacker

One of those horse-drawn carriages was jacked Tuesday night by a cane wielding assailant who apparently found no cars worthy of stealing or more likely, as this took place downtown, there might not have been any cars left that hadn’t already been broken in to. The St. Louis Carriage Company driver Larry Turner said he was steering his horse, Harry, back to the company’s stables about 8:25 p.m. toward the end of his shift. [Read More]

St. Louis to Offer Parking Ticket Amnesty

This weekend, all unpaid St. Louis City parking tickets can be cleared by just paying the original ticket price, dropping all overdue fines that can reach as high as 300% per ticket. “We’ve giving everyone an opportunity to wipe the slate clean,” Andres Broussard of the City Treasurer’s office said. Drivers interested in the Amnesty program can come to the America’s Center May 11-12, or the Community Needs Expo. The hours are 9 a. [Read More]

Remember Jem? She’s Doing Meth Now in Cottage Hills Apparently

Hey people over 30! Remember Jem? (Reminder) Well not is she still “truly outrageous” but she’s on meth now and living in Cottage Hills, Illinois. 34 year old Rachael Toner Jem is charged with what officials call an enhanced Class X charge of Aggravated Participation in Meth. The arrest of Toner took place at a home in Cottage Hills, Illinois. Jem, who now looks like this… (See, told you that was Jem) is in jail with a $350,0o0 bond because not only did she make meth, but she did it with her three kids in the house. [Read More]

St. Louis Has the World’s Tallest Chess Piece

St. Louis’ growing resume as the center of the chess universe grew by 14.5 feet yesterday as the world’s largest chess piece was unveiled at the World Chess Hall of Fame in the Central West End yesterday. The king piece, which is 14.5 feet high and weighs 2,280 pounds, sits just outside the World Chess Hall of Fame. It was presented to promote the 2012 U.S. Chess Championships, which began on Tuesday and has been hosted by the club for the past four years. [Read More]

KTVI, Fox 2, is Horrible at Twitter

Fox 2 sucks at Twitter. We know this not because we follow @fox2now, we know this because we found, and now love, fox2nowpoetry.tumblr.com. Who would have thought Fox2 would be bad at Twitter? Fox 2, KTVI, is/was the home of the famed “Web Center”, but they screw up headline tweets like nobody’s business. You may think Tweeting out new headlines with a link to the story sounds simple to do manually, or even something one could automate very easily, but here we are with mangled headline tweets such as: [Read More]

The 5 Best Cherokee Street Cinco de Mayo Moments

We had a great time at Cinco de Mayo despite the heat that the lack of shady spots. The tacos were good, and music was lively (and hopefully not making fun of us since we had no idea what they were saying) and the photo ops were plentiful. Here are our favorites. [Editor’s Note: Also, thanks for your help in funding the Cherokee Street parade’s Kickstarter campaign! It was just barely funded before time ran out. [Read More]

South City Couple Sexually Assaulted Their Dog

Dana Kintz and Shawn Ingram have been charged with “unlawful sex with an animal” (which makes us wonder what the “lawful” kind is…accidental peanut butter oral would be our guess) after Kintz called the cops because Ingram slapped her around a bit. Not long after police arrested the couple because of photos found on Ingram’s cell phone of Kintz sexually assaulting a dog. To be fair, the dude’s face does kinda look like a dog’s ass so maybe she was just confused, but still you’d like to think someone could figure out their mistake pretty quickly. [Read More]