Trish Gazall to Leave KTRS 550

We have learned friend-of-the-site Trish Gazall is leaving her post on 550AM as John Brown’s sidekick on the midday show The Mindset.

Efforts to get a comment from Trish have returned nothing so far, but we do know that she is leaving on her terms and it was believed she is leaving because she was looking for a job a bit more musically inclined rather than the talk-focused KTRS job.

Wait You Mean Endorsements Are Fake?!

Which 106.5 The Arch jock did we hear recently opined on the internet about how much they hate the company they shill for? If you sons of bitches were not paying me to say that I liked u I would switch providers in a heart beat. ASSWHOLES [sic] Service provider huh? We’re guessing they are compaining about what everyone complains about: Charter …or it could be that anal wart cream delivery service. [Read More]

Mayor’s Office Internet Poll Offers Glimpse of Local Porn Usage and Takes Shots at Charter

Maybe you haven’t heard because you only use your computer for Facebook and sending people eCards and viruses, but Google threw it out there a few weeks ago that they are trying to get in to the crazy-fast internet service game and basically said “Hey, United States cities? You want it? Show me what you got.” Which prompted just about every city in the union to lose their shit trying to convince Google to go to the internet prom with them. [Read More]

WIL’s Cornbread Flunked 5th Grade Social Studies

KSDK debuted their all new “I’m Just Sayin’” segment where they apparently allow any one that has been on the radio to talk about mindless and poorly thought out things on TV. This idea can’t fail. When asked for a comment on how letting random people blather on about their biased opinions on a news program sounded like a good idea, a KSDK spokesman replied “Look, everyone else has been bending over the ghost of actual journalism and repeatedly fisting it for a while now. [Read More]

Five St. Louis Fights We Want To See Go Down

1. Rams’ Steven Jackson vs Cardinals’ Albert Pujols The two faces of their franchises and two nice guys, beating the hell out each other. Should be awesome. Winner? Pujols. Steven Jackson is great, but Pujols never loses. 2. KMOV’s Virginia Kerr vs KTVI’s April Simpson There’s history here, which will make this a sellout for sure. Some would see this and think this is some testosterone-fueled idea to see to chicks brawl and they’d be right, if they thought I wanted this to be in bikinis, which I don’t! [Read More]

The St. Louis Business Journal Has Run Out of Ideas

Breaking news! One Starbucks location out of the thousands worldwide have closed! Its the one in Ladue. Haaaaaaaa! I’m freeeeeeaaaking out! No, in all seriousness, this is not even remotely news. Oh wait yes it is. No, its still not, its just that St. Louis Business Journal has completely run out of ideas. The Starbucks at 9820 Clayton Rd. in Ladue has closed. No one answered the phone at the store Thursday. [Read More]

Charles Jaco Might be Getting Sued, but He Definitely Can’t Find a Good Comeback

We are hearing from our friends at that Punching Kitty super-fan, as well as 550 talk show host and Fox2 reporter Charles Jaco might have some files charged against him. No details other than that yet. We do however have proof that Chuck ain’t one for the comebacks. STLMedia via posted a recent video recorded by someone at a Tea Party rally trying to get a rise out of Jaco. [Read More]

A Redditor Gets Back at Two Cheating St. Louis Bitches

A story about two horrible people and one guy that got them back is making the rounds and it all took place in St. Louis. A young, college aged woman sits down by herself and orders a Bud Light at the two-top next to us. Shortly after, her slightly older female friend joins her. They begin loudly discussing the fact that the young lady JUST has cheated on her boyfriend at a party. [Read More]

Globe Democrat Steps in it Again: Howard Balzer Jumps the Gun

For the second time in the last few weeks the Globe Democrat, St. Louis’ newest (but also totally old) news source, has made themselves look a little silly. First there was their public tiff with Post Dispatch sports columnist Bernie Miklasz that columnated in an “Why is everyone always picking on me?” post from their sports editor…you know because guys that did nothing wrong always have to explain themselves… Then today, the very Globe Democrat reporter that came in second place to Miklasz in the “Who is buying the Rams” sweepstakes stepped in it again. [Read More]