PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Pujols 5 Restaurant Needed a New Name, but Didn’t Want to Move All the Sports Stuff Out

So now that the dust has settled from that one guy leaving town to play for a different team over a bunch of money because a magic man in the sky told him to go, there are a few loose ends to take care of. Namely what to do about the restaurant that bears his name and has a giant statue of him out front wearing an outdated uniform. Beginning Thursday, February 2, [Pujols 5 restaurant] becomes the “St. [Read More]

Guy Claims He Was Car Jacked on Highway K, Police Immediately Call Him a Liar

An O’Fallon man is facing charges that include filing a false police report and leaving the scene of an accident, all because he’s a big pussy who’s afraid of his wife. The accident happened Tuesday night near the intersection of Weldon Spring and Highway K, just outside the O’Fallon, Missouri city limits. St. Charles County Sheriff’s Deputies said the man wrecked his car and then reported that he had been carjacked. [Read More]

Joe Sports Fan Kickstarts Pledge Drive For Their New Project

Our friends at Joe Sports Fan have launched a very interesting idea: asking the St. Louis fans to help fund their new all local relaunch and podcast with a Kickstarter campaign. The goal is $5,000, and while they’re off to a good start, we’d hate to see this brillant idea stall after the glow of the Deb Peterson press release article fades. If you’ve never heard of Joe Sports Fan, here’s all you need to know: Occasionally we can’t help ourselves, but we try very hard to not cover sports stories because the guys over there have St. [Read More]

St. Louis Doesn’t Say Any of This Sh*t

Perhaps you’ve heard of the popular video and Twitter account “Shit Girls Say“, and if so you’re certainly aware that it spawned a whole series of “Shit [Some Subset of the Human Race] Say” videos which all suck so hard watching them is like someone took a spike, put it in their butt just a little bit, then stabbed us in our brain through our eye and swirled it around. That being said, people are still making them and the joke just won’t die. [Read More]

Woman Tricks Cops, Steals Their Wallet to Buy Smokes and Lottery Tickets

In what had to have been one of the most embarrassing police reports filed in at least the last few years, two St. Louis officiers detailed how they were conned, robbed and then duped again by a 25-year old woman named Tonia. Tonia Rene Hart, 25, of the 5400 block of Blow Street, told police that her boyfriend had stolen her keys after an argument. The officers drove Hart to her boyfriend’s home, two blocks away, and left her in the cruiser while they went inside. [Read More]

The New Arch Grounds Plan Reminds Us of Something Dirty

The plans for the new Arch grounds are starting to take shape by the releasing of design photos, and explanations about how the new work will change the downtown layout. NextSTL has it covered: Not a single local media story, not KSDK, not St. Louis Public Radio, not the Post-Dispatch, not the Beacon, no one included the detail that if the presented plan comes to fruition that Pine Street will no longer connect the city with the Arch grounds. [Read More]

KMOV Keeps Us All Updated on What Passes For News in Wildwood

A teenage girl sneaks her boyfriend in to her house only to be caught by her mom the next day! We’ll tell you about that unbelievable, totally newsworthy item, plus 21 minutes devoted to weather and a five min sportscast consisting of “Remember a little while ago when the Cardinals won the World Series? …that was awesome.” all coming up next on KMOV Channel 4 News! News 4 Never Stops Watching Out For You…but today watching out for you was crazy boring. [Read More]

Jermaine Johnson is Probably The Worst Boyfriend Of All Time

Jermaine Johnson is really bad at relationships and we have no idea if eharmony scores go in to the negative ranges (or even if they have scores) but if anyone could do it, it’s Jermaine. Jermaine was charged today on four new counts of felony, but we’ll get to that in a second. First here’s what he’s already done. The short version is: He broke in to his girlfriend’s house, poured lighter fluid on her and threatened to light a match while he raped her. [Read More]

Here’s Some Insane Tweets to Joe Buck After Sunday’s Football Game

Poor Joe Buck (@buck on Twitter), he just can’t win. The St. Louis native is always a dick to your team.Which team? Your team. …No wait. Of the two teams that played in Sunday’s NFC championship game, which one did he hate specifically? The one that you liked. Of course not everyone is team specific. Other’s just have career advice: Laugh now, but a small part of you thought Buck heaped a little too much praise on Mike Napoli in the World Series didn’t you? [Read More]

Wentzville Church Trivia Night Ends With Accidental Shooting

A man was shot in Wentzville’s St. Patrick’s church over the weekend and the police are ruling it as an accident, which is just so St. Charles County. Sure people get shot out there too, just like in the city, but out there it’s always “My bad! Junior’s still a learnin’ about the safety! He’ll master it by age 5 like his daddy!” rather than a 45 year old prostitute gunning down some crackhead trying to steal her stash. [Read More]