Which old-timer St. Louis sports announcer was spotted deciding it was quicker to just whip it out and pee in the parking lot, in broad daylight, instead of heading inside for a real bathroom?
In other news, the above mentioned’s employer is more pissed off than pissed on about the the performance the deal they signed that included the old parking lot pisser, trying desperately to dump the broadcast contract.
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St. Louis Ranks #1 in Something, It’s Best We Don’t Get into Specifics
Begin press release:
To: Everyone
Re: St. Louis ranking #1 in something
According to a recent study by Punching Kitty.com, St. Louis has come out on top, over all the major US metro areas, as the best city for…um…this crazy thing…it’s not really important.
“After pouring through all the data we have concluded that St. Louis finally has a study to hang it’s hat on as it came in the clear number 1 beating out San Francisco, CA, New York City, NY and Bald Knob, AR” said editor Mike Flynn.
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The “Brick by Chance and Fortune” Trailer
Taking a break from a full set of posts today because its a holiday and this CSI marathon sure the hell isn’t going to watch itself.
I did want to post up something though, and for your holiday post you get a chance to watch something too. Friend-of-the-site, Bill Streeter has released a trailer for his new documentary “Brink by Chance and Fortune” which is about the lovely brick buildings in St.
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Post Dispatch Moves Around People’s Jobs on “Pretend Any of This Matters” Day.
According to both the Riverfront Times and the Post-Dispatch, our local dead-tree news source is moving some people around slightly in their jobs. Initial speculation is that the Post Dispatch celebrated the internal holiday of “Pretend Any of This Matters” Day…or just needed to fill a little space on page 14 between the first ad and the other four.
Most noticeable among those is the switch at City Hall where education reporter David Hunn will step in forJake Wagman who’s covered St.
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Lost Finally Ends and KDNL Gives Us…The Simpsons?!
The show many, including all of us at Punching Kitty headquarters, have been dissecting and mulling over for six awesome years finally came to a close Sunday night in a tense and dare we say, tear educing ending. Then, just as the show faded to black with that familiar Lost white lettering, while you were just taking that deep breath and turning to the person next to you on the couch to talk about it St.
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You Know Those St. Louis Summers…
Watch out folks. Gonna be hotter than hell on Monday.
Kinda hope this is true. We’d get some odd satisfaction of watching each station’s weather person go crazy over the now destroyed all time high temperature record in May…and right before they pitch it back to sports, they burst in to flames.
via Davbak on Reddit St. Louis
St. Louis Celebrates Harvey Milk With Kiss-In, Local Media Skips It to Cover Nothing
May 16th marked the beginning of “Milk Week” and in St. Louis, it began with a “Kiss-In” at the downtown City Garden.
How did this event slip by us? You would have thought with all the media coverage it got there’s no way we could have possibly…oh that’s right the media didn’t cover this at all.
The other day we swear one of the new stations thought they were covering a protest on the steps of City Hall, but it turns out to be 3 homeless guys sleeping and one taking a crap in the corner.
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The Internet Loves Joe Buck
Could it be? Is St. Louis’ native son, superstar announcer, Joe Buck not well liked by the hive mind that is the internet? Well just ask Google…
As you can tell from the suggestions above, it doesn’t take long to find plenty of Joe Buck hate. Here’s a sampling:
– My god, Joe Buck is annoying. He’s an idiot, boring and has a grating dorky voice. I literally change games when I see he is an analyst.
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Maybe The Sound Isn’t Dead After All
After our recent post about the imminent demise of St. Louis radio station 100.3 The Sound, we have been getting tips that maybe…just maybe…The Sound might be making a go of it.
We’re not saying they still aren’t dead, but we’ve heard that are actually trying to hire people, which has got to be a weird feeling over at ClearChannel.
“Wait, how do we fire someone if they don’t work here yet?
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The Morning After Moves to KFNS
When there’s smoke there’s fire, and we have been swamped with both anonymous tips and confirmations from reliable sources all saying that 1380’s popular morning show The Morning After will be moving to competing AM sports talk venue KFNS as with in the next 30-45 days.
The morning show, staffed by front man Tim McKernan, Jim Hayes and Doug Vaughn has been KSLG 1380AM’s only decent property for some time now, with the rest of their day-part covered by bottom feeding shows and closing out with St.
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