Under 17 and in The Loop? Your Night Ends at 10p!

The University City city council recently approved the move to make the curfew for those under 18 years old 10 pm every night. This is a change of one hour on the weekdays and a full 2 hours on the weekends where the curfew used to be midnight. According to The Post Dispatch, Joe Edwards, Loop Godfather, approves of the move: Joe Edwards, representing the Loop Special Business District, told the council that young visitors would still be able to catch a movie at the Tivoli and get an ice cream afterward. [Read More]

Watch Out Underage Drinkers of Maryland Heights!

The Post Dispatch reports that Maryland Heights has over 400 underage drinking violations every year. Also, apparently, they care about it. So much in fact that they are applying for a state grant so they can things like hire “underage undercover operatives” also known as douchey kids or young Dwight Schrutes. Seriously. Wow, a narc at such a young age. I bet these kids are just going to be swimming in some mad levels of pussy! [Read More]

Is Your Metro Bus Line Getting Killed Off?

Is Your Metro Bus Line Getting Killed Off?
Starting yesterday, Feb. 9th, signs will start popping up at the bus stops about the lines that are being killed off because the people in charge of Metrolink / Metrobus are morons. Of course if you ask Metro president Bob Baer what can be done to fix it, he will tell you to help get a new transit funding measure on the ballot in St. Louis County in the spring of 2010. [Read More]
bus  metro  money 

So Much For Not Getting the Gremlins Wet: Lake St. Louis’ Polar Bear Plunge

We had the opportunity to head out across the bridge and to Lake St. Louis to this year’s Polar Bear Plunge. It was far more packed with people than we thought, so we just had to snap off a few pictures: <p> Way to be everything people on the coasts thing Middle America is! </p> <p> Were you there? Do you have any photos that either support or (hopefully) refute my conclusion? [Read More]

The Hell on Heels Tour at Cicero’s Tonight!

The Hell on Heels Tour at Cicero’s Tonight!
Its Monday, you know you don’t have anything to do right? Then head on out to The Loop tonight at 8p to see one of the most exciting bands on the planet: Semi Precious Weapons. [Note: No slouch themselves, One Lone Car will be there as well.] Yeah, I know, they are playing small venues here, but its just because the STL is a little behind the “Cool Times” (and you know this). [Read More]

Do Ladies Like to be Hit On at the Gym?

A fellow St. Louisian asks on Craigslist: Not really sure where this should be posted…but my question to you ladies… …while working out at the gym, do you/would you be open to a man approaching you? It’s not that I’m afraid to, I just wonder bc I wouldn’t want to intrude on “your time”, as I’m there for the main reason of working out, but sometimes can’t help one of u catching my eye! [Read More]

Your Guide to Each Side of 270

Your Guide to Each Side of 270
I went out to the parent’s house out in the depths of St. Charles County today for the big game. It was the first time I’ve traveled west of 270 for the first time in months and after reminding myself of the differences I thought I would make a little field guide for those that stick to their side of town. East of 270 you will see: Obama bumper stickers VW Beetles Black people Evidence of car theft Buses Martini bars West of 270 you will see: [Read More]

And the Crown Goes To…! A Pageant Retrospective in Jaw Distension

And the Crown Goes To…! A Pageant Retrospective in Jaw Distension
Tonight, 52 lovely contestants will be competing for the crown of “Miss America 2009” and I, for one, cannot wait. The event is broadcast live and I admit it – I don’t watch for the beautiful dresses or the always eloquent Q&A period. No, every year, I find myself holding my breath, half-hoping that one of the girls will fall flat on her face, a la Rachael Smith at the 2007 Miss Universe Pageant. [Read More]

STLDrunks.com Captures Example of “Ugly Friend” in the Wild

STLDrunks.com Captures Example of “Ugly Friend” in the Wild
“Ugly Friend” (noun): the friend of the hot girl who is never chosen first. She is always left alone and is very angry about it. When given the choice between the 2 the guys always chose the prettier friend and leave the ugly big nosed one out of the cold. You literally have to beg guys to touch the girl to give her a pity screw. Example: Sara is a real ugly friend. [Read More]

What the Hell Was Going on @ F15teen This Weekend?

  What the hell was going on at F15teen this weekend?  <a href="http://pictures.stldrunks.com/thumbnails.php?album=596&page=1">STLDrunks.com</a> has the photos above and plenty more, but I have no idea what the deal was.  At the surface, it seems like a regular bikini content, but some of these picture lead me to believe otherwise&#8230;

  Was anyone there?