Science Explains Why East St. Louis Sucks Giant Zoo Elephant Butt

We all know East St. Louis sucks. Really sucks. Like, “Why can’t you just call yourself ‘West Chicago’?” sucks. But do you know why? Not just the shootings and the hookers, but why there are shootings and hooker? …and why most eastern parts of other towns suck the same way, albeit, much less? Take it away science! The reason for this is that in much of the northern hemisphere, the prevailing winds are westerlies – blowing from west to east. [Read More]

Your Guide to Each Side of 270

Your Guide to Each Side of 270
I went out to the parent’s house out in the depths of St. Charles County today for the big game. It was the first time I’ve traveled west of 270 for the first time in months and after reminding myself of the differences I thought I would make a little field guide for those that stick to their side of town. East of 270 you will see: Obama bumper stickers VW Beetles Black people Evidence of car theft Buses Martini bars West of 270 you will see: [Read More]