Pfizer to Cut 600 Jobs, Everyone Left to Get Two Offices!

Today Pfizer, which houses its research facility in the Chesterfield valley, announced that it would chop 600 of the 1,000 St. Louis jobs. Damn dude. Employees learned of the news at 11 a.m. today as Pfizer announced changes that will result in a R&D square-footage footprint that is 35 percent smaller. The move comes as something of a shock since Pfizer only recently invested $250 million for new buildings and labs on its sprawling Chesterfield campus. [Read More]

When is Too Early For Christmas Music?

When is Too Early For Christmas Music?
We’ve been through this all before… Last year it was MOVIN 101.1 that finally had the life-support plug pulled on it and switched to Christmas music in October, and now its 100.3 KATZ thats flipping the switch to Christmas music a little earlier than we all would prefer. So two years in a row, the majority of St. Louisan’s are left scratching our heads as to why on earth you would want to play Chrismas music this early. [Read More]

Dirt Cheap vs Fred’s Cheapo Depot

Fred has moved on, and if you want to know the details of his split from the Dirt Cheap conglomerate, check out the article that has so much detail you will forget why you cared about this and leave half way through on STLToday. What we at Punching Kitty want to know is: Which commercial do you prefer? The classic Dirt Cheap: or the new Fred’s Cheapo Depot: I know the Cheapo Depot is just starting out, but there’s something about the delivery that makes me think he is excited enough about the change to be able to really make some super horribly fantastic commercials in the near future. [Read More]

Apparently Honks Count for Congressional Votes Now

If you happen to drive around St. Louis at all today, you no doubt saw tons of people that either don’t have important jobs or jobs at all, manning the street corners with signs like “Honk for Health Care”, “Christians for Health Care”, “Honk so I don’t feel so alone.” or “I think this is doing something.” [Editor’s Note: The last 2 might have been made up. We can’t remember all the different signs we saw today. [Read More]

WIL Jocks Make More Than Arch Jocks

Saw this little note over on fellow gossip maven site STLMedia: Even though they are both owned by Bonneville, on-air folks at WIL make much more money than those at #1 WARH. Maybe AFTRA affiliation is good for something, but you can bet there’s some chafing at WARH. So maybe this is surprising to some people, it wasn’t here. Yes, its true our fair editor has a connection to radio parent company Bonneville as he was previously an employee, but that doesn’t matter. [Read More]

New Town Developer Files For Bankruptcy

Wait wait wait wait. You are telling me that in this totally awesome housing market, the maker of St. Charles County’s most famous compound, with all those shiny new houses, isn’t doing well? Totally. Shocking. Did you pick up on the sarcasm? We were laying it down pretty thick. Oh but apparently there is spin good news. Don’t get me wrong, they are still totally going bankrupt, but apparently its the good kind or something: [Read More]

Would Yadi Molina Skip an Autograph Event?

Steiner Sports Marketing think so and they Yadi’s little memory slip means he should pay them about $175,000. Which would be the $90,660 that they paid the Cardinals catcher to do the session and then another $84,340 for whatever. Would our big eared Yadi skip out on an event he was already paid to do? Who knows, but we think a lawsuit like this is probably initiated because they have some pretty solid evidence. [Read More]

Classical Music Station 99.1 Finds Jesus

After years and years of broadcasting classical music to St. Louis, KFUO-FM 99.1 has been sold and will transition to “JoyFM” to play the worst music ever: “Christian contemporary music” From STLToday: The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod will sell its 61-year-old classical music station, KFUO-99.1 FM, to Gateway Creative Broadcasting, the LCMS and Gateway announced today, for $18 million plus $8 million in interest over a 10-year term. The sale will become final in March, pending the approval of the Federal Communications Commission and transfer of the license. [Read More]

Eye For an Eye: Missouri Taking Prisoner’s Left Behind Money

So here’s the scam: The state of Missouri arrests and jails people. Sometimes those people leave for whatever “unauthorized” reason, like prisoners that walk away from half-way homes or just those that just straight up escape…and when that happens, the State just takes the money they left in their prison bank accounts. Is that right? The Missouri Department of Corrections says “Yes!” but Auditor Susan Montee says “No!” Call it the $1 million state bonanza, courtesy of escaped prisoners and halfway house walkaways. [Read More]

Out of the Rubble of Jamestown Mall Comes “Lindbergh Place”?

On Friday a panel of experts on crappy malls or something recommended that Jamestown Mall should be bulldozed and use the space for a “town center” with retail shops and restaurants, which to us, sounds like a mall without a roof…or a strip mall. Good idea. The panel is currently calling their concept for the new development “Lindbergh Place” a mixed use town center complete with everything from shops and restaurants to YMCA’s and parks. [Read More]