We don’t want to be rude to Fox 2’s own John Pertzborn, but we are going to have to pass his invitation to join his Mafia family.
Confused? We got the following automated direct message from John (@pertzfox) today:
We had to decline. But not because we don’t love John, and his behind the scenes youtube-ing, but because we just aren’t comfortable owing any favors to the Pertzborn mafia family. Sure he looks nice on TV, but that guy will break your hands for no reason at all, and snap your neck if you give him one.
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Think Again If You Want Steve Jackson to Tweet After Games
The National Football League sucks. Not football mind you, just the league, or the governing bodies to be exact. You can’t celebrate in the end zone, you can play even though you’ve served your court mandated time in prison, and now you can’t tweet or blog before, during and after games.
From PR 2.0:
On Monday, the National Football League announced that it will now limit use of social media and networks during the season.
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Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Coming Home to Speak at Webster University
Any of your tweet-up crazed St. Louis social media butterflies have a boner and not know why? It’s probably because St. Louis’ own Jack Dorsey, Twitter creator, is coming to town to speak at Webster University on September 18th.
St. Louis Post Dispatch’s Deb Peterson had this to say:
Dorsey, 32, graduated from Bishop Dubourg High School in 1995. The newsy part of this for anyone who already knew that the Twitter co-founder, who has 1,161,116 followers (make that 1,161,117 since I just jumped on), was a local product, is that Dorsey will be in town Sept.
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O’Fallon MO Police Join Twitter
The O’Fallon MO police department have joined Twitter! In other news, the Fonz successfully landed his death-defying jump over the shark.
The OPD have squeezed out a total of four tweets, the first on August 19th, and have managed to scrape together a surprising 49 followers. @ofallonpolice themselves, are only following St. Louis’ Major Case Squad (@majorcasesquad)
As of this writing, they did not respond to our question via a Twitter reply:
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How’s Rams Camp Going? Lets Ask Steven Jackson
The Rams have been bad horrible shittastic for way too long now, but people are feeling that the team is at least heading in the right direction starting this year. They got a new coach, beefed up their offensive line and put all the old guys on one of those busses that takes elderly people to Wal-Mart on Wednesdays.
Like most new coaches implement, the new Rams coach promised a tough training camp, and although we have just barely scratched the surface, we were wondering how it was going, so we turned to Steven Jackson, Rams running back’s Twitter account:
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Oh Crap, the Mayor is Reading
Dana Loesch to Twitter: “Why is Everybody Always Picking on Me?”

One would think that an outspoken blogger and radio host would be ready and comfortable with people disagreeing with her, but that wasn’t the case today as Loesch lash out on Twitter about her “former” friends. “Tired of fake friends and people who exploit your friendship until they have an opportunity to blog about you.” #
“You’re good when you get them free trips but hey, if you’re a conservative you are FAIR GAME.
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Twitter Love is Awesome
We love you guys out there on Twitter. We just wanted to know that we know that you are noticed us and we noticed you.
Of course our Twitter page is at twitter.com/punchingkitty
Leisa Zigman Doesn’t Quite Get Twitter
From the Wikipedia page on Twitter:
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to other users – known as followers – who have subscribed to
Its that “up to 140 characters” thing that seems to be hard to understand for KSDK reporter, and recent focus of police officer ire, Leisa Zigman.
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Tony LaRussa Bows to the Mighty Will of Twitter

#10 in your press guide, Tony LaRussa has decided to drop his lawsuit against Twitter over the fact someone made a fake Tony LaRussa Twitter account. No settlement, just Tony putting the bat on his shoulders and walking back in to the dugout.
From Law.com:
Tony La Russa, the famed baseball manager known for his charity work with injured pets, apparently knows when he has a dog on his hands.
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