Major League Baseball Muffles Cards Beat Writer Leach on Twitter

Word is out that Major League Baseball has told their employed beat writers, who write for the sub-sites for each time, must refrain from “tweeting” about anything other than baseball from here on out. These new restrictions hit home for local writer Matt Leach who’s widely followed Twitter account gets lots of use throughout the day. Aaron Gleeman reporting for Multiple sources have confirmed to me that Major League Baseball is cracking down on Twitter usage, ordering MLB. [Read More]

Mayor Slay is Getting Bossy on Twitter

Have you been reading the St. Louis City Mayor’s Twitter account lately? Damn he’s getting bossy. In the last 12 hours Frankie Slay has told us what to wear, what to go see, and what to do with our weekend. First off let us say that when we glance at his tweets we see: “If you select your work clothes the night before, remember to think RED. #fags” Don’t you? Sorry, but you will now. [Read More]

Updated: Listen to Mike on 550am @ 2:40

Update! Here’s the audio from my visit to The Mindset: Mike Visits “The Mindset” on KTRS 550AM Original Post: Our illustrious and crazy awesome editor, Mike Flynn, will be on KTRS 550 am’s The Mindset with John Brown and Trish Gazall today at 2:40pm talking about Facebook, Twitter and the new Google Buzz. Take a listen and see how many times he can plug this website without Charles Jaco busting in from the lunch room and trying to choke him live on the air. [Read More]

Matt Holliday Tweets

Its been confirmed through a few sources that it is in fact the Matt Holliday tweeting at Not only that, but after reading over his stream of “tweets” we can say Matt Holliday seems pretty cool. Below is a sampling of some of his best mind droppings. Matt Holiday’s thoughts on… Turkey Bacon: not sure turkey bacon has earned the right to be called bacon, maybe breakfast turkey strips [Read More]

Jack Dorsey: First Twitter and Now Square!

St. Louis native and creator of the freakishly popular social network Twitter has been promising something new from his brain for a while now. Today the big black sheet was pulled off the shiny new website for that idea: Square. Today the Square team is focused on bringing immediacy, transparency, and approachability to the world of payments: an inherently social interaction each of us participates in daily. We’re starting with a limited beta and rolling out to everyone in early 2010. [Read More]

Pearl Jam Holds an Impromptu Contest in St. Louis

The scene: Yesterday around 4pm, Twitter The official Pearl Jam Twitter account spits out a seemingly innocuous “Twitter Contest” tweet. “Hmm, whatever.” You thought. “Its probably in New York, or LA…its freakin’ always in one of those two places. Screw it, I’ll click on the picture anyway, might be some hot chick (or dude) in it.” Vintage Vinyl! Whaaaaaaa?! Yup. Pearl Jam tossed a little awesome St. Louis’ way. Anyone know who won? [Read More]

So Basically, Every Street in St. Louis Sucks to Cross

Our fair city’s mayor loves him so social media, and he knows that people love to complain, so the other day he sent out a call on Twitter that went a little something like this: Which street that you regularly cross do you find most difficult? The mayor got tons of answers back, that he posted on his blog. Of course most of the reply tweets are crazy-hard to read because Twitter frowns on full words and sentence structure. [Read More]

Leisa Zigman’s Twitter Account Was Hacked…By a Hacker…Again

No not really, but when you do something stupid and you can’t tell your computer from your microwave, you just say a “hacker” did it and then you are cleared of all stupid deeds. Here’s a quick synopsis of our absolute favorite KSDK reporter’s twitter page: About an hour later, Zigman figures it out… Ah. That solves. it. Here’s what really happened: There has been a link floating around that if you click on it, and happen to be signed in to Twitter, it will submit a private message to everyone on your list. [Read More]

St. Louis’ Pi: The Fightingest Pizza Place on Twitter!

Every business in the world is on Twitter these days, and 90% of them just spam out links or at best have some schmuck behind the profile fartting out gems like: “Sure am glad I brought my [insert product] with me today! You should get one too!”, “Wow, [insert product] is so awesome. Send us a photo of yours” or “How many of [insert product] do you like I can get in up my ass? [Read More]