Whatcha Spanking There Ryan Dean?

Our local NBC affiliate, KSDK channel 5,  managed to make some noise on the national scene, but not the good “wow, what great reporting” kinda noise. More like Jimmy Kimmel laughing at you along with his national audience.

You know how we always say how much we hate all those live, “on the scene”, remotes that add no benefit to the broadcast? This one turned out to be worth it.

KFNS Now Offers Free SPAM to Those That Sign Up!

A reader forwarded us an e-mail they recently got from KFNS, one of the approximately 17 sports talk stations in town, to show us how amazingly crappy their “E-Blast” is. They were right, it suucccckkksss! …but we weren’t exactly surprised and gather that the other stations in town offer more of the same, so they should all be paying attention instead of laughing at the back of the classroom while we whip out the ruler on poor KFNS. [Read More]
email  kfns  kslg  ktrs  radio  wxos 

KMOV.com Posts Dumb Comments About the Price of Gas

KMOV is really just finding out about this whole internet thing and as such, are now taking posts to paste in comments from the site. You know how you’re always saying “I wonder what the random, nothing to do, loser who just spouts the same colloquialisms about every perceived obstacle in their life thinks about this news item”? You’re prayers have been answered! Gas hit $4 a gallon in the area recently, here’s the user content KMOV wanted to highlight (with our responses/translations): [Read More]
comments  gas  kmov 

Japanese Radiation Attacks Illinois!

KMOV doesn’t want to alarm anyone, but…wait…oh they did want to alarm people?! That explains how they had a featured story on their website and on their Friday news coverage about something that is completely harmless and possibly, maybe, but who knows, from a dangerous place somewhere else in the world. …and somehow people still think the internet is the only place bullshit, alarmist, horrible journalism happens. It’s pretty clearly just one of the places that stuff happens. [Read More]

Some Old Fart Doesn’t Like Changing His Clock Twice a Year

Oh KSDK’s “I’m Just Saying” you truly are the gift that keeps giving…like that dog you never wanted, but is still year long after you figured everyone was pretty tired of it and it keeps crapping all over your house. I know you’re dying to know what the big compliant is this time: Kids won’t stay off your lawn? That damn rap music? How no one got piercing back in the day? [Read More]

Did Pujols and the Cardinals Censor Joe Sports Fan?

Yesterday Cardinals closer, and recent discoverer of Twitter, Ryan Franklin tweeted out a photo of some country star or something who visited the team’s spring training site. The tweet, since removed, said “Got a rookie on the team @davidnail” with a link to this photo: We didn’t even notice the awesomeness that this picture held in it’s background, but the guys at Joe Sports Fan.com did and it may have brought the wrath of the Cardinals and Albert Pujols, big bad #5, down on them. [Read More]

Fox 2 Cleans House, but Adds Hot Reporter From Oklahoma

9:45am — Updated to reflect more information clarifying John Auble’s status. A couple of interesting and corroborating reports in our tip line inbox today about the two-headed local news team of Fox2 and KPLR (11). According to both our tipster and our other source, spring cleaning is in full effect in the on-air news department by both traditional firings and medical leave. Here’s a summary of what we’ve heard, starting with the slightly stale news and going from there: [Read More]
cw11  fox2  kplr  ktvi 

Fox2’s Randi Naughton Used to Work at the Buffalo Playboy Club

It’s no secret our favorite member of the Fox2 morning show is John Pertzborn (file photo), but, as KTRS jock JC Corcoran points out, there’s more talent on that morning roster than Pertzborn. Just as I was leaving Buffalo, N.Y. for St. Louis way back in 1984 there was a rising, young star on the local TV scene there by the name of Randi Naughton. A native of Niagra Falls, she had the looks to have done a stint at the Buffalo Playboy Club. [Read More]

YouTube’s Currently Popular Laughing Baby is From St. Louis

Another day, another “viral” laughing baby video on YouTube. The current baby is laughing because his dad ripped some paper in front of him (again) and he’s from St. Louis. [Father, Marcus McArthur] says he’s finishing up his doctorate at SLU and applying for professor jobs. When he received yet another rejection letter he ripped it in half and baby Micah started laughing uncontrollably, so he started ripping credit card statements and the sweet sounds of laughter continued. [Read More]

There’s Not a Lot to Say About Nick Punto

KSDK felt it necessary to post up a story about the new Cardinals reserve middle infielder Nick Punto having a groin injury, needing surgery and not being able to play until May, but they just didn’t want to elaborate much. Well there it is isn’t it? I just pretty much did the same thing they did…but better! Their story was all of 40 words long and our summary above came in at 22! [Read More]