KSDK Found Shorts For the Cardinal Game Streaker (Updated)

Update: The is word that it wasn’t Photoshopped, but he was brought the shorts from the stands. The videos don’t show that however. Apologies to KSDK. Original post follows because we just can’t let that Pirate Pants thing we made go to waste. Everyone is all over the Cardinals streaker story this morning because some guy running around with his junk out is widely entertaining during a Cardinals game and a captive audience, but not funny at all when we do it at the mall or at a Pee Wee Football game. [Read More]

What High School Should We Call Me: St. Louis Gets a GIF Blog

Once a week we’ll get a “tip” that just includes a link to some new St. Louis blog and we’ll check it out, be unimpressed and then get back to what important stuff we were doing, like reading a book (which is code for trying to get Jaleel White to retweet us). Last week though was different, not because we didn’t get a link to some new St. Louis blog, but because we got the same link sent to us 25 times and when we took a look it was actually funny. [Read More]
blog  funny  gif 

JC Corcoran Told Dan Caesar To Tell You That He Might Be Leaving St. Louis

Dan Caesar handles the local sports media beat for the Post Dispatch because it’s a super important thing to cover and people are too scared and creeped out to get close enough to fire him (right). Last week Caesar sat down with the recently fired JC Corcoran, who spent the whole time telling Caesar that he’s totally going to leave town. He swears…yup, totally going to happen so don’t try to stop him. [Read More]

KMOV’s Great Day in St. Louis Made a LipDub

Friday afternoon we got this via Twitter:

What’s this? KMOV’s Great Day in St. Louis is sending us video links now? What could it be? They said they had fun making it, so it couldn’t be a link to one of their local news broadcasts as no one has fun reading off St. Louis’ nightly murder list. We were really hoping it was going to be grainy night-vision footage of Kent Ehrhardt leaving a bag of flaming poo on Dave Murray’s doorstep, but after we clicked it turned out to be a “lipdub”…kinda.

Here it is:

No one really mouths along to all the words, and it’s not the full song, but it’s close enough and we’re suckers for posting lipdubs. Ok, we’ll take the bait. Lets break this thing down!

It’s your basic “do crazy stuff in the office” deal with a peppy song. It’s weird, but we’ll give them points for doing it and hopefully the other local news stations won’t follow. Maybe KTVI (Fox) could pull it off if was just April Simpson, but KSDK (NBC) won’t be able to since Mike Bush is way to serious, Cusumano would be worried about his hair falling off the whole time, and Leisa Zigman‘s nose isn’t safe being around all those waving arms.

As for the lipdub at hand, what we have here is four groups cut together with varying degrees of “giving a crap”:

1. The behind the scenes staff. — This was probably their idea since they are way more in to it that most of the other groups. Their’s even choreography with the rolling chair deal, and props like the mustaches and wigs.

2. The morning news anchors — In to it, definitely dancing around, but not enough that their going to do anything than jump around in their little gas station outfits (What’s that about? …never mind, we don’t want to know.) and serve as black and white b-roll.

3. Virginia Kerr — …who is really really really in to this. If she could just do this for her job, we’re pretty sure she would. Actually, she kinda does do this for her job, it’s just the background music is turned up and she gets to wear a silver wig this time.

4. The evening news anchors — They could not want to be less involved in this. Three of them just did a little “smile and wink” appearance to be good sports (Connors, Ehrhardt, and Savard), but the leader of the “get away from me, don’t you know I’m on the local evening news!” Patrol was Jasmine Huda, who couldn’t even put the phone down to deliver her best “leave me alone” smile and wave.

…which brings us to the animated gifs we pulled from this (click the more link to see them and read the rest).

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KTVI, Fox 2, is Horrible at Twitter

Fox 2 sucks at Twitter. We know this not because we follow @fox2now, we know this because we found, and now love, fox2nowpoetry.tumblr.com. Who would have thought Fox2 would be bad at Twitter? Fox 2, KTVI, is/was the home of the famed “Web Center”, but they screw up headline tweets like nobody’s business. You may think Tweeting out new headlines with a link to the story sounds simple to do manually, or even something one could automate very easily, but here we are with mangled headline tweets such as: [Read More]

Craig Cornett Died

Craig Cornett, the former morning show host on St. Louis’s 93.7 The Bull who disappeared from the public eye after being let go from the station and getting in to trouble with the law early last year, was found dead Tuesday in his Jonesboro, Arkansas home. Police say Cornett was found sitting upright in a chair. His ex-wife said she thought he was asleep, but when she tried to wake him she noticed he was cold to the touch, he was not breathing, and his feet were purple. [Read More]

KSDK’s Julie Tristan Got Some Attention For Her David Freese “Interview”

Julie Tristan, of KSDK and previously of 101 The River fame, got a little attention over the weekend after sports blog Deadspin took shots at her David Freese interview. Essentially, Deadspin used the piece in which Tristan rides Six Flags’ “Mr. Freeze” ride with the Cardinal third baseman and playfully hits on him with her friend, as an example of what is wrong with all local new media. Here’s a link to the KSDK video in question. [Read More]

STLToday Facebook Poll Reveals the NFL Draft Makes Your Dick Hurt

A source sent this screenshot of a STLToday Facebook poll on Friday over the tip line (/tips or [email protected]): According to the source, it didn’t stay up for long, but still interesting to know that while the majority of the St. Louis sports faithful agree with the Rams’ draft strategy, others wanted a better wide receiver, or it just all simply made their dick hurt. Factor in failures like this and their constant use of pop up ads, and maybe it makes more sense to just have the Post Dispatch stick to writing stuff on dead trees. [Read More]

JC Corcoran Fired, Trish Gazall Quits (and Returns to) KTRS

Updates below! Short version: While we are 100% confident in our source saying Trish unoficially quit Thursday, they have apparently convinced her to stay. (This was confirmed by Trish via Twitter) Original post follows… We have independently confirmed what STLToday’s Deb Peterson broke yesterday: JC Corcoran has been fired from KTRS. However, our source told us that show producer and on air “sidekick” Trish Gazall will not be staying on, which is contrary to what was reported by Peterson. [Read More]

KMOV Wants You To Know They Don’t Believe This Story Either

Update: Via the comments we have learned that KMOV has since edited out the line in question below. You’re welcome journalism. Original post follows… Belleville police are working through the details of a bizarre situation when two young guys pulled off the road to a gas station because a car was following them and driving erratically. They feared for their safety and possibly rightly so, as shortly after they pulled over the 38 year old following them, got out of his car, reached in their car to grab them. [Read More]