Virginia Kerr is a Good Sport

To the winners go the spoils…assuming the winners is us being selected as the Best Local Celebrity Blog by the RFT and spoils mean being discussed on KMOV’s Great Day St. Louis. They get to us at the end, and we didn’t get a screen shot because we used naughty language in our post earlier today. Oh well. The important thing is that Virginia Kerr is a good sport! We don’t particularly care if our “targets” don’t get the joke, but it sure is nice when they do. [Read More]

St. Louis Makes its Android Debut with “Uprising: St. Louis”

Android phones are showing up more and more these days along side the always visible iPhones. The question is always, “Which one should I get? iPhone or Android?” We love our iPhone, but you want to be a little St. Louis mayor in training, your only option, it appears, is Android with the app Uprising: St. Louis This is the beginning of an MMORPG in the style of Storm8 or Moblyng games. [Read More]

Local News Boner Alert: A New Year’s Eve State of Emergency

“It could have been worse.” — Sunset Hills mayor Bill Nolan A state of emergency was declared on New Years Eve by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon after a strong storm rushed across center and eastern Missouri, taking apart chunks of South St. Louis County and killing one person in Rolla. Afterward, emergency crews cleaned up the mess, a few people found new shelter for the night and the local news networks patted themselves on the back and found ways to stay on the air as long as possible. [Read More]

CBS Early Show Analyzes August Busch IV, While Post Dispatch Keeps Playing that 911 Tape

CBS’s Russ Mitchell talks with the author of “Dethroning the King: The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, An American Icon” Julie Macintosh about her thoughts on the mysterious death of Busch’s girlfriend, Adrienne Nicole Martin. (We would have embedded it here, but CBS sucks and disabled embedding…and probably touches new born puppies in bad places.) Interesting stuff about a case that so far, has netted very little int the way of details aside from a 911 tape that was as boring as they come despite all the media outlets trying to make it interesting. [Read More]

Jud Birza’s Excellent Survivor Adventure

Jud Birza, just off his exciting Survivor win, is back in town for the holidays this week and while working out at a local YMCA, Birza gave KMOV some of his time for an interview with the St. Louis’ newest “million dollar man”. The interview is great, but not in the way KMOV or Jud would have hoped. You should really watch it. Don’t watch the whole thing though, it’s brutal. [Read More]

Kevin Slaten Show to Get Somehow More Annoying with Addition of Reality TV Star

590AM is about to find out what it’s like to take two people, put them in a broadcast closet and find out what it’s like when the hosts stop being polite and start getting real! St. Louis sports radio’s “Rush Limbaugh” position is filled by one Kevin Slaten. He panders to the lowest, hoosier-iest people in the market, always upset about whoever it’s shocking to be upset about because he isn’t “controlled” by whomever he’s mad at, telling everyone that doesn’t call in to tell him how great he is that they’re morons. [Read More]

Stop Putting the Arch in Your Logo

One of the most frequent questions we are asked is: “Why doesn’t your site name have anything to do with St. Louis?” to which we always reply “It doesn’t need to. If the site does well, the name won’t matter and it will just seem St. Louis-y regardless. Having to put “STL” or “river” in every damn thing created around here is lame and lazy. That question is actually #2 to one other question though: “Why don’t you have the Arch on your site anywhere? [Read More]
arch  design  logo  weird 

Virginia Kerr to Get Bumped to “Great Day” by Her Brunette Clone

Virginia Kerr, St. Louis’ news sweetheart, after famously tweeting about her sniz during labor, has been on maternity leave from her morning anchor post at KMOV who quickly found a brunette version of Kerr to fill the spot while she’s gone, one Claire Kellett. We have no idea how Claire is doing in her fill-in duties because we don’t get up that early and prefer to get our news from every other place ever, but apparently she’s doing just fine because now Brunette Virginia is in and Blonde Virginia is out. [Read More]