270 ranked 45th in the nation’s worst commutes according to The Daily Beast. Totaling 89 hours of congestion, and 1.26 miles long at its worst, earned 270 the spot.
On a comment attached to our snippet, they have a quote via the Post Dispatch from Maryland Heights Councilwoman Mary Nichols:
Replacement of the current design with the diverging diamond interchange will not only improve the flow of traffic along the 270-70 corridor, but it will also be a national example of innovation in highway safety and design.
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Jersey Shore’s The Situation Comes to St. Louis
In a move that can only described as the greatest attempt ever to collect as many douche bags in one room at the same time, St. Louis’ Club15 is footing the bill to bring Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, the most infamous cast member of MTV’s reality show “Jersey Shore” in to St. Louis.
[Editor’s Note: If you haven’t seen any of Jersey Shore, put down your book Milhouse and watch this little clip to catch up.
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Check Out These Lovely Martin Luther King Jr Day Lights!
Photos: Lady Gaga Hits St. Louis
Did you hear that Lady Gaga came to St. Louis recently and brought one of our personal favorite bands Semi Precious Weapons? Well it happened! Do you know what went on there that night? If you guessed zany costumes and smoke machines, you are 100% right!
Here are some photos from the show thanks to a nice concert goer that allowed us to post them:
<p> We have a theory about Lady Gaga: With all those crazy costumes, wigs and masks we really have no idea what she looks like do we?
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The Vital Voice Relaunch Party: Photos
Found on Facebook by one of readers, here is a whole gallery of photos from the Vital Voice relaunch party last week.
Here are our favorites:
Chess and Poop: St. Louis in Photos
Today while picking up some dinner we caught a group of gentlemen gathered around a couple of chess boards battling with each other’s wit as opposed to the chill outside.
This is St. Louis. A warm place where friends get together via intelligent activities.
Here’s a different photo from one of our readers that on his morning dog constitutional.
It is a pile of homeless person poop neatly coiled in front of an Organic food store downtown.
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Metrolink Somehow Gets Worse
If you are going on the MetroLink and are heading through Grand and Central West End prepare to spend an extra 20 minutes getting off the train, getting on a shuttle and then getting back on the train. Also, that guy next to you that smells like piss and cocaine and for some reason has a change of clothes in a Schuncks bag, will be sitting right next to you on the shuttle.
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Birds of a Feather, Pose for Douchey Photos?
If I didn’t recognize the two on the left as St. Louis Cardinals Brendan Ryan and Colby Rasmus, I would say this picture appears to be the start of an amazing douche collection.
It has it all, the guy that throws the peace sign everywhere, the “I’ve been rocking this so long it can’t possibly be ironic any longer” mustache and a straight up classic “Me Play Sports Good” face on young Colby in the middle.
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If You Used a Valet at the Hyatt, Your Car is Famous!
For all the awesome things the internet does, one of its greatest powers is always overlooked. “What is this power?” you ask so this article will flow the way I want it to… Well catching people committing crimes when they post a video of them doing it on YouTube like freaking morons!
Kyle O’Brien didn’t know anything had happened to his 2004 Dodge until he saw his car being abused on FOX 2 Tuesday night, “I’m not freaking out about it, but it isn’t that funny,” says OBrien.
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Craigslist: A Love Connection at the New Moon Showing
What’s better than going to see your favorite girl-movie about non-scary flavors of vampires and werewolves at midnight? Going there and falling in love…and then smelling her hair…and following her to her house…and stealing things out of her car. Awww love.
New Moon midnight showing – m4w – 27 (Saint Louis, MO)
I sat behind you at the midnight showing of New Moon the other night. Me: 6 foot, dark hair, long nails, mysterious.
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