It’s been a while since we’ve done a proper link post, highlighting some of the best things being said around town, so we’re gonna do one. Right now.
**Joe Sports Fan: **A word (give or take a thousand) about JC Corcoran…
JC Corcoran has dug himself a hole over this Pujols thing and has chosen to just keep digging, and Joe Sports Fan is calling him on his shit. Good for them!
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St. Louis is Bored
It’s boring here. Sure Japan’s got some stuff going on and Libya’s all busy with their own stuff, but St. Louis is far away from all of that and it’s boring here. Just look at this Twitter search for “#bored”:
Here’s some stuff that is going on in St. Louis, but doesn’t really count as “something” because…whatever…*yawn*
Donye Calvin killed a baby — Totally boring. Anyone can kill a baby. Hit us up after you kill a bear or mountain lion or something.
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Links From a Clown
Lets start off Friday with some catching up on some news that while important, we didn’t deem as potentially funny as the “Web Center” and a Rally’s shootout.
St. Louis based online retailer was sold to What do you mean you’ve never heard of it?! …you have a tan don’t you?
Metro debuts new “trollies” (read: Busses with stickers on them). How does this help that fact that you can take the Metrolink downtown at night, but not back home after the bars close?
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Did We Miss Anything?
If you didn’t know, we were on vacation most of last week (and it turned out, yesterday as well…whoops!).
So, what did we miss?
Now back in the saddle, here’s what we could figure out:
A few months back, two cops from LaGrange shot a chained dog. Now its a viral video. (See what I did there? I linked to a story the RFT did instead of just doing the repeat thing which isn’t our style…but happens.
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Punching Kitty One a Year Ago
A year seems so long ago. Isn’t that what you are supposed to say when you talk about things that were a year ago? We don’t know. What we do know is that every time we hear the word long we giggle. Well no matter how you start this out, we’ve gotten a lot of new readers in the last few months, so here are some classics.
Missed Connections: Get Your Nerd Freak On!
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Links: The World At Large, Filtered Down and Delivered. Please Tip.
Here are some links for things going on today you might be interested. Picked just for you, because we like you so much. Is that a new shirt? Looks great. Have you been working out? …oh. Just the shirt then? Still looking good though!
The Cardinals lost. No the Diamondbacks are not good. Someone at Boeing is striking again. Still checking if anyone other than them cares…wait all done…no. The guy that writes the stuff for “gossip” columnist Jerry Berger thinks the Leisa Zigman is a celebrity.
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Links For Your Blue Monday
It’s May 17th! The Beautiful Kind is back in action!
Cops find dude murdered at South City car dealership. Key quote from police: “The place is kind of ransacked a little bit. It could be just from the way they keep the business, we don’t know at this time.” Way to kick them when their down officer. —
The community helps a guy figure out some good date ideas for St.
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Oh Hey, a List of Links!
Here are something little things of note going on around St. Louis that really didn’t deserve a post of their own:
Keith Tkachuk has announced his retirement. …oh you might not know who he is. He played for the Blues. …the Blues are a hockey team. …They play in St. Louis. …It’s the MetroLink stop just west of Busch Stadium. …This is what hockey is.
We have lots of perverts in this town.
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Links: Because We Were Writing a Long Post All Night
Here are a few links form around the Lou-net:
JoeSportsFan found a common thread for every headline about the new American League Cy Young, and no it they don’t all begin with “Who?!”
The Short Buzz found that video of me and my two friends performing in our “Hot Sunday” cover band.
The Beautiful Kind profiles porn-star Buck Angel. Its really not safe for work, but if it is for you are you hiring?
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Links: Were You Click To Get the News From Someone Else
Today’s top goings on… FourSquare officially launched in St. Louis! (We told you…just sayin.) Pujols freaked out the Cardinals with his comments on some crazy Dominican radio station. The RFT took an idea off the table for us by exploring the W00t! offices. Metro Link gives up and ask the rest of us for ideas. Can’t get any worse I guess. Bowling allies are freaking out about the smoking bans.
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