PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Did the St. Charles Sugar Plum Fairy Get Fired For Cussing or For Showing a Little Skin?

Yesterday we brought you the absurd tale of one Laura Coppinger, the once Sugar Plum Fairy in the St. Charles annual Christmas pageant that was fired on grounds that she cussed at a standard city employee drug screening. Cussing, apparently even while not in character, is a big no-no for St. Charles’ Christmas staff as stated in the sounds fake, but apparently all too real, “Christmas Traditions Code of Conduct”. Obviously this is absurd! [Read More]

The St. Charles Sugar Plum Fairy is a Dirty Girl and Got Fired

Update: We’ve found some interesting new information with the other character she plays while not being the Sugar Plum Fairy. Her other character is considerably more naked, which is awesome. Original post follows… We learned two new things today: St. Charles has an annual Christmas pageant, and the Sugar Plum Fairy has a dirty dirty mouth…and it’s not from that yellow snow she accidentally ate over by the reindeer barn. [Read More]

Lady Shoots Little Girl in the Back With BB Gun Because Shut Up! You Want Some Too?!

A 20 year old Shiloh woman is in jail tonight because she decided to shoot a 10 year old in the back with a BB gun one fateful October 30th afternoon. “What the hell is wrong with this broad?” is what you might be thinking, but wait…this is the metro East area we’re talking about and she only used a BB gun. Sounds like the little tyke got off easy. Middle school is when they start dodging . [Read More]

Occupy Protestors Arrested, At Least One Realizes That Jail Isn’t Fun

Friday night the deadline ordered by the Mayor’s office gave passed, and so police converged on downtown’s Kiener Plaza to disperse the Occupy STL protestors. Many did just that, but 27 were arrested and dude…you’re not going to believe this…but like…they went to the same jail as like people that totally broke laws and junk! Eww! KMOX’s Brad Choat, on the scene outside the jail Saturday afternoon reports one of the protesters was released shortly before 2 pm. [Read More]

Cardinals Hire Mike Matheny As Manager, Rams Something Something

The St. Louis Rams won Sunday! Yea! This is somewhat important news unless something else happens! It was strange and ugly, befitting the status of two teams with a combined record for 4-12 entering the game. But the Rams were beneficiaries of rare good fortune, with a potential game-winning field goal by Cleveland going awry on a fouled up… Woah! Shut up Jim Thomas! No one cares about the Rams accidentally winning a game because the Cardinals just did something: Gutsy ex-catcher Mike Matheny is the new manager! [Read More]

Anheuser-Bush Inbev Readies New Beer, Hipster Readies Tumblr Blog About How it Sucks

Anheuser-Bush Inbev is planning to release a new variant of the Bud Light brand that is sweeter and with a higher alcohol percentage. Initial marketing documents uncovered by Punching Kitty had the beer being marketed as “Zima” but in the end it appears they decided to work off the current in-house trademarks. Bud Light Platinum will come in a cobalt blue bottle and it will be 6 percent alcohol by volume, compared with Bud Light’s 4. [Read More]

David Freese Had to Go Shopping Yesterday with ESPN’s Erin Andrews

Despite what you might think, all is not perfect in Cardinal third baseman and World Series MVP David Freese’s world. Sure he’s been on every TV show over the past week or two, and appeared as a presenter on the CMAs (Crappy Music Awards) last night. But earlier in the day, our home town hero realized he had nothing to wear! OMG! Freese took charge and did what we all do nowadays, he put it on Twitter: @dfreese23: Bag didn’t make my connector to Nashville. [Read More]

Have You Heard the One Where the Occupiers Met With the Mayor’s Staff?

So Mayor Slay’s staff walk in to a room in the Edward Jones Dome with a few people from the Occupy St. Louis movement currently inhabiting downtown… Stop us if you’ve heard this one. The initial debate was between the Mayor’s Chief of Staff Jeff Rainford, and a guy that only went by “Chuck”…naturally. “We ask that you condemn the police violence in Oakland and retract any threats or insinuations of violence against us and the accusation that we are inciting violence,” Chuck said. [Read More]

Rangers Manager Ron Washington Sounds Just How You’d Think He’d Sound in his Game 7 Pep Talk

Our friends at Joe Sports Fan won the internet yesterday after posting a tape of the Game 7 pre-game pep talk Ron Washington gave to his team. While the Rangers talk about hunting down the “leak” and feeding him to Nolan Ryan’s dogs and then back-peddle and say it’s been taken care of, lets list our top 5 favorite parts: #5: “[Game 6] was one of the most tremendous baseball games I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of. [Read More]

The Cabbies Respond to Us Making Fun of Them

Last week we took some shots at the local cabbies for “whining” about a convention using other transportation rather than cabs. “What do you mean non-cab drivers have figured out how to get their own cars?! Oh no! Someone, quick, talk to the press and make sure they photograph you in the creepiest way possible!” As with every post we do, it was a joke and all the real details are gleaned form the source material, which in this case was KMOX. [Read More]