PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Some Guy Crashed His Plane and Then Walked Home

A man wrecked his “ultralight” airplane near his Villa Ridge home, laid on the ground for a while and walked back home. No biggie. What did you do yesterday? Sheriff Gary Toelke says the man’s ultralight apparently hit a power line at an Ameren substation on Old Highway 100 near Mary Lane and fell about 30 feet to the highway below. “The pilot was laying on Highway 100 when the ambulance, fire, and EMS arrived. [Read More]

A Train Tipped Over in De Soto

There was a train wreck in De Soto, MO yesterday, but while it sounds horrible everything’s ok. No one was hurt, and when the guys got off the train to take a look at what happened, De Soto’s population nearly doubled. Unfortunately they’re stuck with cleaning up all the spilled cargo. Mark Davis, a spokesman for Union Pacific Railroad, said the 58-car freight train was transporting ballast rock (the kind that lines railroad tracks) from Iron Mountain, Mo. [Read More]

Missouri Wants to Ban “Gay” Talk From Schools

Oh Missouri state lawmakers do try hard to make us all look like backwater retards don’t they? A bill currently up for debate in the Missouri House of Representatives would prohibit teachers in public schools from discussing sexual orientation. The “Don’t Say Gay” legislation is sponsored by several Republicans who contend there is no place of discussion about sexual orientation in public schools. Is this needed? Was there really all that much talk of sexual orientation in the first place? [Read More]
gay  lgbt  schools 

KMOV Wants You To Know They Don’t Believe This Story Either

Update: Via the comments we have learned that KMOV has since edited out the line in question below. You’re welcome journalism. Original post follows… Belleville police are working through the details of a bizarre situation when two young guys pulled off the road to a gas station because a car was following them and driving erratically. They feared for their safety and possibly rightly so, as shortly after they pulled over the 38 year old following them, got out of his car, reached in their car to grab them. [Read More]

Marine’s War Medals Stolen While Visiting the Arch

Fellow St. Louisans, let us drop a senario on you and you tell us when you start to get worried: A Marine and wife were visiting family near St. Louis after recently coming back from a tour in Afghanistan (Eh, ok. Not too worried yet.) and while on their way to the airport to fly back to where he is stationed in Hawaii (Sounds nice!) they decided to stop in and visit the Arch (Hmm. [Read More]

(Updated) Naked O’Fallon Man Bit a Police Officer’s Face

Update from 11:30am below. A 21 year-old O’Fallon man has been arrested after doing the following: Beating a 29-year old woman with a “medieval weapon” Being naked in public. Living in a trailer park.* Trying to reach for an officer’s gun. Actually stealing the officer’s stun gun. Hitting the officer with the stun gun. Most likely grazing someone with his junk while all this naked movement was happening. 8. Bitting the officer in the face. [Read More]

The 10 Best Horrible Things Retweeted by @BestFansStLouis

Joke Twitter accounts are the new awesome hilarious thing, and like @HologramTupac they spring up as fast as they cease to be funny. However a few manage to serve a purpose and our current local favorite is @BestFansStLouis who spends all their time retweeting the horrible things tweeted by Cardinal fans, also know throughout the land as “baseball’s best fans”. There’s not much else to say other that prepare yourself for the worst when following **@BestFansStLouis **because holy sweet baby Jesus dog farts some of this stuff is crazy. [Read More]

Sam Bradford is Dating Karlie Kloss

Rams quarterback Sam Bradford was spotted at Coachella with St. Louis-based 19 year old “super model” Karlie Kloss over the weekend and the internet is a buzz with Bradford’s ugly hipster sweater and how they’re just giving away the title of “super model” these days. Ok, she’s cute. And she’s from St. Louis so bonus points, but when she smiles and looks down towards the camera…by the power of Greyskull, all we see is Skeletor: [Read More]

Newt Gingrich Was Bitten By a St. Louis Zoo Penguin

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and who’s current hobbies include pretending to still be involved in presidential candidate races was in St. Louis last weekend and, as reported on Twitter yesterday via several animal-based puns, was nipped by a penguin while visiting the St. Louis Zoo. During his visit to the popular zoo in Forest Park, he was treated to a behind-the-scenes visit with two Magellanic penguins. One of them nipped Gingrich on the finger. [Read More]

The Tampa Bay Rays’ Luke Scott Sounds Like a Smart Guy

Has the balls to call out Boston Red Sox baseball and their self-righteous fans? For Scott, who was a member of the Orioles when Baltimore beat Boston on the last day of last season to help prevent the Red Sox from making the playoffs, it’s the second time in as many months he’s taken a shot at the Sox. During spring training, he said keeping Boston out of the playoffs was even more pleasing because of his disdain for its fans. [Read More]