Joke Twitter accounts are the new awesome hilarious thing, and like @HologramTupac they spring up as fast as they cease to be funny. However a few manage to serve a purpose and our current local favorite is @BestFansStLouis who spends all their time retweeting the horrible things tweeted by Cardinal fans, also know throughout the land as “baseball’s best fans”.
There’s not much else to say other that prepare yourself for the worst when following **@BestFansStLouis **because holy sweet baby Jesus dog farts some of this stuff is crazy.
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Every Local Reference in the Simpsons
We might be a forgotten metro area to some, but not the Simpsons! The townsfolk of Springfield love to make St. Louis references and some guy on the internet has pulled all those references together in to one YouTube video…why? Because the internet is awesome!
One notable Simpsons St. Louis moment is when Cardinal slugger (and now hitting coach) Mark McGwire visited Sprinfield to cover up an MLB conspiracy by hitting homeruns and hiding documents under his large hat (pictured above).
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SNL Piles on With East St. Louis Jokes
You probably didn’t see this weekend’s Saturday Night Life because you lead a fabulous lifestyle, were sleeping already, or was up but planning the following week’s drive-by shooting. (Yes, there’s planning involved in a drive-by! Who’s gonna drive? What gun should we take? At what angle should we hold the gun? Who are we trying to kill?). If that’s the case, then you missed SNL join the long line of people making fun of East St.
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Enough With the “Rally Squirrel” Crap
Enough with the damn Rally Squirrel! Can’t we just let a funny moment from last year’s championship run be a funny moment from last year’s championship run? Please don’t drag it out and ruin the moment! Why do we have to take a little “Tina Fey“-type situation, one that’s cute and funny but something that you’re like “The one time watching ‘Baby Mamma’ is plenty.”, and then dry hump it until it’s used up and ugly, stumbling around like Lindsay Lohan making it an option to only the really ugly or desperate people?
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Sold on St. Louis!
Sorry folks, but news is slow these days and we were super busy with other stuff so instead of just trying to squeeze more juice out of the Craigslist orange, we’re going to show you a short video. It’s like when your 4th grade teacher was really busy with her own stuff so didn’t have time to pretend to teach you facts you never need to know anyway. Quick name all the state capitols!
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Someone Put a One Million Dollar Bounty Out for Maplewood Cops
A Craigslist ad appeared last week putting a 1 Million dollar bounty out for every Maplewood cop’s head, and 2 Million for the head of a specific detective. It read “Wanted dead, all the maplewood city police officers, paying one million per head. two million for detective [redacted]”
The ad, which was obviously an empty threat as they gave no address for head sending, was quickly removed and the Maplewood police are working with Craigslist to track down the poster.
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GIF Week: The Big Finish With the Return of Julius Hunter
[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“]
Yes, we’ve technically already used this clip to make a gif this week, but 1. It’s awesome. 2. We reversed it this time. 3. It’s Julius Hunter, so shut your whore mouth! and 4. Deal With It!

GIF Week: The Big Finish with Jarrell and His Jheri Curl
[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“]
The first of today’s new GIFs features Jarrell, slicking his Jheri Curl back while the camera dramatically zooms back to show the Arch. It’s god dammed beautiful!
For those unaware, Jarrell is the start of our all-time favorite local commercial from the past featuring a music video format and selling a $27.50! You can see the full commercial, with it’s unending gif-able moments in our archives.
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We Have Officially Run Out of Clever Bank Robber Names
[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“]
Pair the bad economy with our population’s natural love of guns and playing dress up and it seems like everyone’s robbing banks these days. As such, the local media has latched on to this trend hard. Like a snow storm during a morning commute hard. Much like weather events, every bank robbery has be punched up a notch and have a catchy name, and as such you can’t seem to “take a penny” these days without seeing a grainy security camera still with a clever nickname overlay plastered all over the evening news.
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Fun Things You Can Do With the Weird Ray Vinson Super Bowl Commercial
[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“]
Did you happen to catch the weird Ray Vison commercial aired during the Super Bowl last night? Even from the squeaky voiced man that has made former Cardinal skipper Tony LaRussa do some odd things for cash, this was quite a doozy (See the whole video here)!
At the very least, it managed to confuse St. Louis Super Bowl watchers, while others considered it an “insult” We at Punching Kitty Headquarters thought of it a little differently.
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