Storms Destroy Lambert Airport, Damage Only Noticeable in Nicer East Terminal

Friday evening, strong spring storms rampaged through North St. Louis, crippling Lambert Airport and sealing off the major St. Louis escape route. The brimstone should arrive by this Wednesday to take the rest of us out. “The storm caused significant damage to the airport,” said St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay. There were nine sightings of a possible tornado or tornadoes in St. Louis County. The KSDK camera showed extensive damage to residences and other structures near the airport. [Read More]

Tractor-Trailer Spills Mystery Meat All Over Highway 70 in St. Peters

Yesterday morning, a trailer flipped over on Highway 70 at the Mid Rivers Mall exit in St. Peters, spilling it’s cargo of what the police think were bratwurst. After the tractor-trailer exited off eastbound 70 onto north Mid Rivers Mall Drive this morning, it overturned, spilling some of its contents, which St. Peters police believe to be bratwurst. So they aren’t sure if they were bratwurst, but they believe them to be bratwurst. [Read More]

Busch Stadium Gives the Leftovers to Homeless People

The Cardinals are making it kown that they have been working with Operation Food Search to pack up all un-eaten food and supply it to homeless shelters. Jeramie Mitchell, the stadium’s Food and Beverage Director, says the Cardinals work with Operation Food Search. They pack any quality food in coolers, and the organization picks it up the next day. Operation Food Search is a St. Louis organization that distributes food to homeless shelters and others in need. [Read More]

Two Guys Take the Pointersaurus Challenge, Capture Their Failure on Video

The Pointer’s Pizza Pointersaurus challenge has been tried many times, probably because it sounds a lot easier when you aren’t staring at that football field of a pizza. Here are the rules: The contest costs $50 and is a 28″ Pointersaurus pizza which weighs ten pounds. Two people are allowed one hour to eat the pizza with either two meat toppings or four vegetable toppings. You must make a reservation at least one day in advance and the contest is only done at 3 PM each day. [Read More]

Charlie Gitto’s Toasted Ravioli Will Be on Food Network

Last weekend Food Network was in town to shoot a segment for the show “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” and it shot a little deal about the toasted ravioli, the reigning king of “St. Louis foods”, at Charlie Gitto’s on The Hill. The crew was asked if they wanted to go out to St. Charles County to sample their best local flavors, but apparently Applebee’s hanging a Francis Howell jersey on the wall doesn’t mean you have any local claim to the Quesadilla Burger and it’s ability to “Take your taste buds for a Southwest joyride. [Read More]

The Spandex House of South City

We know what you’re thinking: Photos of Kirstie Alley jogging aren’t relatable to you…but wait! Look again. True enough, that’s a large amount of spandex wrapped around a huge immovable object, but it’s actually a house, not Kirstie Alley. Seriously. Keep looking…try squinting a little…the trick is to look through the picture. There you go! See? House. We know, it’s tough. The house is on the corner of Arsenal and Iowa in South City and is indeed wrapped in white, gold chain-patterned, spandex. [Read More]

St. Louis Prepares for the Coming of Snooki

So far St. Louis has had Jersey Shore’s The Situation visit downtown herpes petri dish F15teen, we’ve been taken over by New Jersey on South Park and at some point Paulie D played music in town while wearing headphones…but only one ear pressed in to them so he looks like a cool DJ and doesn’t hurt his hair, so the fact that Snooki is now coming to town along with WWE’s Raw next week is of little surprise. [Read More]

Awesome St. Louis Drummer is Awesome

Justin Bess is a drummer for local metal band Aegaeon, which we think is pronounced “never-heard-of-you”, but we love this video of Bess killing it on the drums. Check out Aegaeon’s band page for more videos, a distinct lack of Bess as their drummer, and photos of them looking like they’re unhappy someone is taking their photo. Standing still for a second is so not metal. Update: Here are their more updated Facebook and Twitter pages (the photo thing still applies in both cases). [Read More]

Dos and Don’ts For Your Mardi Gras Weekend

Mardi Gras is upon us, but that’s especially true for the fine residents of Soulard who enjoy the often repeated pleasure of “Dude! You can just get wasted and walk back home!” …but alas, they also have to look at the invading drunken hoards for an entire weekend, and lets face it, some are better to look at than others. Ok, lets really face it: Some of ya’ll are gross. It’s ok though! [Read More]

The Park Hills Subway Wasn’t the Most Friendly Place to Be Saturday

It may have looked like Halloween came really early in Park Hills, Missouri Saturday, but it wasn’t, just a bunch of racist dudes in little ghost costumes. For whatever reason Saturday was the day the local KKK decided to get the word out about their organization! …there also may have been a bake sale. None of those “black and white” cookies…just white ones. We’re also guessing a churro was hard to come by. [Read More]