Police to Protestors: “I’m sorry. Here’s some money.”

In 2003 the St. Louis police department raided the homes of several potential protestors of the World Agriculture Forum held in St. Louis that year. After six years worth of lawsuit, the hippies got the cops to settle and, like all bad little boys that do illegal searches do, write an apology letter: The department sincerely regrets the grievances of plaintiffs arising from the department’s response to the May 2003 World Agriculture Forum including the extended detentions or damages of personal property of the plaintiffs. [Read More]

U.S. Education Secretary to Visit St. Louis Saying “It Can’t Possibly be THAT Bad!”

From newsday.com: U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan will travel to St. Louis next week with the American Federation of Teachers president. Spokesman Justin Hamilton on Friday confirmed the secretary’s visit. He said Duncan will visit three St. Louis elementary schools on Thursday and be joined by AFT president Randi Weingarten. I pretty much picture the Secretary’s visit to some of St. Louis’ schools going down in super-cleaned school along a pre-designed path by rooms filled with all of the good students being taught by good teachers reading books St. [Read More]

St. Louis is #40 in Job Availability

One of the many job posting websites, Indeed.com, has compiled and posted a list of the top 50 cities based on the ratio of jobs to unemployed people. We came in at #40. Detroit was #50. …which makes another win for the Lou against D-Town! According to the site, St. Louis is rocking a ratio of one job opening to every six unemployed people. For comparison sake, the #1 city was Washington D. [Read More]

St. Louis County People Kill Each Other Less Than Last Year

Through 2009 so far, the amount of all violent crimes have gone down 20% in St. Louis County according to this STLToday article. No word yet if there was also 20% less beer purchased as well. Areas patrolled by St. Louis County police are experiencing a dramatic drop in crime compared to a year ago, with all major categories down significantly through the first half of 2009, officials said. County police report that murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, car theft and arsons all are down compared to the same period of 2008. [Read More]

The Loop Trolley Cars: Classic or Modern?

If you are a fan of Punching Kitty on Facebook, you saw us post a link to the RFT article about Joe “Loop Godfather” Edward’s plans for the Loop Trolley take one step further. Exciting news to be sure, with its short run to Forest Park and back and its classic look, it will no doubt be a cool addition to the Loop and add to it’s “Coolest Street” cred. [Read More]

Some Black Guys Shut Down Highway 70

Some Black Guys Shut Down Highway 70

70_protestThe African-American Business and Contractors Association (which I think spells out L.O.N.G.A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.) is upset because they believe there were not enough black contractors hired in the massive highway 70 project, so they planned to “shut down” the highway Monday during evening rush hour, which is 10 years to the day to a similar protest.

First let me say this:  If the Aferican-American Business…(whatever)’s claims are correct and there was any prejudice at play when the contractors for the Hwy 70 project were picked (or for any job for that matter) then I’m with them in saying that is f*cked.

Now let me say this: This is the dumbest protest I’ve ever seen.  Look at the video below, two cars stopped at the same time on 70 during rush hour.  Wow.  Shocking.  I thought protests were supposed to be something crazy that I normally wouldn’t do to get my attention, like chaining myself to something or standing in front of a tank.  Two cars stopping at the same time on the highway happens about 4 times a day when someone gets in an accident or just some retard stops their car because they saw something shiny.  Also, this is pretty dicky.  You want to picket a building?  Fine, at least you are only bothering the people in the building that you think wronged you.  Backing up traffic during rush-hour when people that did nothing wrong just want to go home?  Dude.  Screw you.

I also love their promise that there is “much more to come”  I’m guessing the next stop in your annoying people that didn’t do anything campaign, is just going to a mall food court and knocking people’s drinks out of their hand.  That’ll teach them.

Click through to watch the video.

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Lori Drew Acquitted of Hacking, but Not of Being a Bitch With an Ugly Mom Haircut

We missed this from The Kansas City Star on Thursday: A federal judge on Thursday tentatively threw out the convictions of a Missouri mother for her role in a MySpace hoax directed at a 13-year-old girl who ended up committing suicide. U.S. District Judge George Wu said he was acquitting Lori Drew of suburban St. Louis of misdemeanor counts of accessing computers without authorization. However, he stressed the ruling was tentative until he issues it in writing, which probably will come next week. [Read More]

St. Louis Pridefest 2009

If we would have known that by mid Saturday we would be busy hiding from the heat, re-launching this blog, we would have made a point to grab our camera and head over to Pridefest. But we didn’t. We suck. Luckily we live in an age where you don’t have to do anything to pretend you are there, all you need is a few moments to do a Twitter or Flickr search! [Read More]

Under 17 and in The Loop? Your Night Ends at 10p!

The University City city council recently approved the move to make the curfew for those under 18 years old 10 pm every night. This is a change of one hour on the weekdays and a full 2 hours on the weekends where the curfew used to be midnight. According to The Post Dispatch, Joe Edwards, Loop Godfather, approves of the move: Joe Edwards, representing the Loop Special Business District, told the council that young visitors would still be able to catch a movie at the Tivoli and get an ice cream afterward. [Read More]

Watch Out Underage Drinkers of Maryland Heights!

The Post Dispatch reports that Maryland Heights has over 400 underage drinking violations every year. Also, apparently, they care about it. So much in fact that they are applying for a state grant so they can things like hire “underage undercover operatives” also known as douchey kids or young Dwight Schrutes. Seriously. Wow, a narc at such a young age. I bet these kids are just going to be swimming in some mad levels of pussy! [Read More]