St. Louis Pride Parade!

The sun was slowing cooking us and we felt drastically under-dressed, but we were there, in the crowd, for St. Louis’ annual Pride Parade yesterday. Great crowd (in both size and energy) and as always, visually interesting. We had a great time hanging out (though not as much fun as the guy picture above had hanging out) and putting together another Punching Kitty photo montage, which you can watch below or in HD at our Vimeo page. [Read More]

Finding Love at Pridefest (by the Porta Potties)

Good luck to you buddy! While others only hang out by the Porta Potties because they drastically miscalculated the amount of beer and fair food they could pack in to their colon, this guy uses that time to find love. This is a guy that takes advantage of every situation! Pride talked to you by the porta potties….. – m4m I talked with you by the Porta potties about if you had been to the Latino Bar by 44. [Read More]

St. Louis Pridefest 2009

If we would have known that by mid Saturday we would be busy hiding from the heat, re-launching this blog, we would have made a point to grab our camera and head over to Pridefest. But we didn’t. We suck. Luckily we live in an age where you don’t have to do anything to pretend you are there, all you need is a few moments to do a Twitter or Flickr search! [Read More]