People Really Don’t Like KSDK’s Cardinal Games
Posted on August 17, 2009
| The Editor
It’s true, and we have to agree: The Sunday Cardinal games aired on KSDK (channel 5) are easily the worst out of the four broadcast entities that air Cardinals games. (The other three being, Fox, ESPN and of course Fox Sports Midwest)
A quick Twitter scan on the subject quickly returned thoughts like these:
I wouldn’t be upset if they moved all their games to cable like the Blues.
Other than Randolph’s “confused old guy” routine and Horton’s “washed-up average ex-player” bit, what is not to like?
[Read More] is the Internet Version of Those Clipboard Ladies in the Mall
Posted on August 14, 2009
| The Editor
Hey, this
has got to stop.
If you can’t read that writing about this demographic survey that pops up while using their cluttered site, it reads:
To help us keep available to all users free of charge, please answer the following questions. You should not be asked these questions again during future visits using the same computer.
Register now to post, publish and participate and save keystrokes later.
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A Mass Exodus is Brewing at KSDK
Posted on July 29, 2009
| The Editor
First Deanne Lane, then Cordell Whitlock, who’s next to leave local NBC affiliate KSDK? Apparently it could be anyone because our source says they are all pretty pissed:
****…morale is way down there because of forced pay cuts everyone had to take last year. That’s why you’ve seen several resignations there in the last year and you’ll likely see a few more.
This recent reports matches what much of what me and others have heard for a while now: No one is happy there.
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Cordell Whitlock Drops KSDK Like its Hot
Posted on July 28, 2009
| The Editor
STLMedia is reporting that from a source that says:
A reliable source says he turned in his resignation today.
My first thought was “Wow, takes stones to quit a job in news these days.” my second question was “Who the hell is Cordell Whitlock?”
Oh yeah.
KSDK vs St. Louis’ Finest: Its On Now!
Posted on July 24, 2009
| The Editor
A little while back we told you about the brewing war between St. Louis’ NBC affiliate KSDK and St. Louis Cops.
It appears channel 5’s reporter Leisa Zigman didn’t feel reportery enough so she got out her fedora, tucked her press pass in the band and went off to uncover a scandal! Long story short, she didn’t find one. Instead, Zigman decided to do a “report” on St. Louis police officers parking in no-parking spaces throughout the city, including in front of their own station!
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Deanne Lane Escapes Local News to Centene
Posted on July 14, 2009
| The Editor
Apparently even long time veterans of local TV news can get tired of doing yet another “Damn its hot” or “Wow its cold story.” After being ejected from KSDK, and mulling offers from both KTVI and KMOV Deanne Lane has decided go the route of her old KSDK comrade and head in to the the business world. Lane will be joining St. Louis based Centene as their director of media according to STLMediaStuff.
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Leisa Zigman Doesn’t Quite Get Twitter
Posted on July 13, 2009
| The Editor
From the Wikipedia page on Twitter:
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to other users – known as followers – who have subscribed to
Its that “up to 140 characters” thing that seems to be hard to understand for KSDK reporter, and recent focus of police officer ire, Leisa Zigman.
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Kay Quinn Tweets Through Her Furlough
Posted on July 1, 2009
| The Editor
Now her furlough is over, but for a second there it looked like we were going to be seeing the “[Insert activity here] on my furlough.” for everything she broadcast to Twitter last week.
Seems odd to be broadcasting the fact your company sent you home with no pay for a week. Looking for a new job Kay?
…also, I know you can find a better photo than that for your Twitter picture!
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Hey Look KSDK Has a Mogulus Account!
Posted on February 11, 2009
| The Editor
That is apparently channel 5, ksdk’s Mogulus account. What is Mogulus? Its a service for streaming live video to the web.
Anyone have any idea what they are doing with this? There’s lots of great things they could do with a Mogulus account [Ed Note: I’m being serious.] but their track record says they aren’t using it to the fullest, or at all.
One Crazy Slow News Day: USA Today Reports Trains are On Time.
Posted on February 5, 2009
| The Editor
USA Today reported yesterday that Amtrak is reporting that their trains going between St. Louis and Kansas City are 96% on time. Seriously.
This is a fucking joke right? Who could possible give a shit about this?! Maybe the article will tell me…
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Amtrak trains traveling between Kansas City and St. Louis turned in a stellar on-time rate for January. The Missouri Department of Transportation said Tuesday that the trains were on schedule 96% of the time.
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