The scene: Yesterday around 4pm, Twitter
The official Pearl Jam Twitter account spits out a seemingly innocuous “Twitter Contest” tweet.
“Hmm, whatever.” You thought. “Its probably in New York, or LA…its freakin’ always in one of those two places. Screw it, I’ll click on the picture anyway, might be some hot chick (or dude) in it.”
Vintage Vinyl! Whaaaaaaa?!
Yup. Pearl Jam tossed a little awesome St. Louis’ way. Anyone know who won?
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Thanksgiving at City Diner
We didn’t realize that City Diner, one of our favorite local eateries, was not only open for Thanksgiving, but had a special menu, but one of our readers did! …and they sent us photos!
<p> The deal was $15.95 for all-you-can eat which included all of your standard turkey-day faire. </p> <p> The final verdict? “It was very good!” said our tipster while no doubt sitting on the couch with their jeans unzipped.
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Get a Free New Moon Screening Pass Just For Finding and Going to a Blockbuster
It’s ok, I couldn’t remember what a Blockbuster was either. Thank god for wikipedia right?
Anyway, if you are either a 15 year old girl or a guy with a big, window-less van and a creepy mustache, you should totally head over to the Blockbuster Video in Creve Coeur at 11600 Olive Blvd tomorrow at 6p because there’s going to be a New Moon party and we hear its going to be one of the biggest crowds in recent years at a Blockbuster.
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Photo: St. Louis in the Fall
From @WaltJaschek who took this shot of the Meramec River.
As always, you can always send your pretty, ugly, happy, sad or juicy photos to [email protected]
Need a Halloween Costume? We Have Some Ideas.
Halloween is only a few days away and if you are like most people, not only do you not have a costume yet, but I just reminded you of that and you went “Crap!” and now everyone around you at work thinks you screwed something important up or got fired via email and really want to ask you “What?” but are worried that you might drag them in to the problem if they do.
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Exploring the Urinal Art at Blueberry Hill
We can’t speak on the details of the little girl’s room at St. Louis favorite Blueberry Hill, but in the Dude’s Room, they have these awesome pieces of wood where you are free to draw anything you want, or if you prefer, just try to inspect while you are giving back that beer you just bought.
I thought it would be fun to snap a photo [Editor’s Note: This is the first time I’ve taken photos in the boy’s room, I swear!
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Come Buy Some Random Crap From St. Charles This Weekend!
Dude! Oh man, what’s up?!
Don’t you recognize me?! It’s St. Charles man! Your boy St. Chuck! …look, I’ve got a problem man. Could I get a few bucks from you?
No no no no! Its not like that. Its just…man…times are tough dude and I…I just need a little cash right now to get me through.
Ok ok. Its not charity man! I’m selling some stuff! …um look, here’s a list.
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The Blues City Deli Anniversary Party
Punching Kitty grabbed the camera and followed the brewery smell to Benton Park and the Blues City Deli’s street festival.
It was packed and a good time seemed to be had by all! Check out the video we put together below of some of the photos.
St. Louis is the Third Best City to Travel Too…Because Its Cheap
Yup St. Louis got a compliment, but its a back handed one. It’s cool. We’ll take it.
The people at Travel + Leisure have rated St. Louis a great place to travel too…because its cheap…making St. Louis the Six Flags as opposed to something like Chicago’s Disney World.
Seriously though, we’ll take it. We aren’t used to getting on “good” lists. I kinda feel like that fat, weird girl finally getting asked out by a football player in high school!
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St. Louisans Find Love at Area Walmarts
If you don’t think Walmart is in our midwestern blood stream like that really bad case of gonorrhea we got when I fooled around with that heiress bartender stripper hooker in the parking lot of the Casino Queen [Editor’s Note: Call me Porsche!], then you got another thing coming! Not only do we buy mayonnaise in bulk there, we also tend to find love by the gallon!
One quick look through missed connections on Craigslist found 18 attempts to reconnect that person they felt an instant connection through the crowds of blue vests and hairy-backed men in sleeveless shirts.
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