Woman Shot at 10 Year-Old’s Birthday Party

A woman hosting her 10 year-old child’s birthday party Wednesday was shot after a bullet came through the front window and struck her in the arm. Mom will be fine, but clearly a scary moment since there were a few other adults and 15 kids in the house at the time, so easily any of them could be dead. The police have no leads, but are assuming the shooter was on foot…so there’s that. [Read More]

Stupid Parents Are Apparently Also Deep Sleepers

Saturday night, the parents of a “4.0 average” daughter living in East Carondelet, Illinois went to bed with their graduation party of 20 kids still going. They woke up after 2am with about 100 kids scattering as police were trying to get a handle on the situation while trying to dodge the drunken driving of one party goer. Disappointment is what James Hasty and his wife were feeling Sunday after hosting a graduation party for their high school Senior Saturday night. [Read More]

St. Louis Chicks with Douchey Guys

Maybe you’ve seen the blog Hot Chicks with Douchebags, well guess what? We have a few examples of this meme in our very own town…and all it took to find them was a quick trip to the InsideSTL photo gallery! Shocker right? You know guys, I’m guessing most of you are sports fans. There’s a sport expression that falls inline with this: “Act like you’ve been there before.” You don’t need to get this excited just because someone pointed a camera at you while you happen to be standing next to a girl. [Read More]

The Blues City Deli Anniversary Party

Punching Kitty grabbed the camera and followed the brewery smell to Benton Park and the Blues City Deli’s street festival.

It was packed and a good time seemed to be had by all!  Check out the video we put together below of some of the photos.

Is Dairy Queen Sponsoring a Reefer Bash?

One of our eagle-eyed, sex-machine, chick-magnet, party-loving readers sent in these photos they snapped of the Dairy Queen sign at the corner of Lafayette Ave and South 7th Street in Soulard. Can anyone give us any info on the “Titz ‘n Reefer bash? I hear there were both “Titz” and “Reefer” which are really all you need for an awesome party…also, ice cream cake helps, which is why that this party being on this sign is like the harbinger of the greatest party of all time! [Read More]