PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Head to Amazon For Your Texas Rangers 2011 Champions Book!

For the low low price of $29.95 you can “pre-order” your copy of “Texas Triumph”, the inspiring full-color photo book that details the incridible 2011 season of the Texas Rangers from spring training up to their incredible World Series win in game six..err…game seven…oh wait. Embarrassing! Publication Date: November 9, 2011 Get the book that captures the Rangers World Series championship season, brought to you by SportsDay from The Dallas Morning News. [Read More]

St. Louis Cab Drivers are Pissed Because Convention Has Their Own Transportation

Ever try to call a cab in St. Louis? It’s a bitch. If you’re in a popular area you can grab one, but trying to get one to pick you up at a random area is nearly impossible at times, and even if they do get there, it’s usually late enough that you and you’re party are either thinking about doing something else or one guy steps up and says “Screw it, I’ll be the designated driver! [Read More]

Girl That Accidentally Hung Herself in a Haunted House is Doing OK

Last Thursday a 17-year-old was hospitalized after accidentally hanging herself while working at the “Creepyworld” Fenton haunted house. After a stint in the ICU, she has been moved after her condition improved. The girl was working as an actress to scare guests when she was hurt on Thursday evening. A co-worker who makes rounds to check the safety of employees found her in the noose. She was unconscious. Authorities have said it appears to have been an accident. [Read More]

Lamber Airport to Reveal Phase One of Makeover This Morning

If any of you are lucky enough to have to spend some time Tuesday getting voluntarily strip searched before heading off to your connecting flight to a real airport at Lambert tomorrow, be sure to check out the fancy new remodel of baggage carousels one and two! We know you’re excited! The remodels baggage carousels now feature higher ceilings and more light, but fair warning, they couldn’t get rid of that religious guy and his little desk who thinks he’s better than you because he knows Jesus…or satan or Tom Cruise. [Read More]

Tweet Commentary From the Cardinals World Champions Parade and Celebration

As with the majority of the Cardinals’ playoff games, our fearless editor took to Twitter to comment on the Cardinals World Series Champion parade and Busch Stadium event. If you already follow @mikeflynn_ then you have no doubt already seen this, but others that missed it because they are too “emo” for Twitter have asked for a way to check it out so here, for posterity sake, is the annotated timeline with a few retweets mixed in from others. [Read More]

St. Louis Costume Suggestions for Halloween 2011

It’s Halloween, so here’s a few costume ideas from your buddy Punching Kitty: ****Zombie Colby Rasmus It’s perfect! Get yourself a Toronto jersey, a crazy sense of entitlement and a try to pretend you don’t have a personality. Walk around saying stuff like “Yeah, I want brains, but I’m not really working on anything to get them. Don’t want to over think it. Plus my dad’s been viewing to tape and he thinks he knows where I can find some. [Read More]

And the Best Post-World Series Photo is…

…this photo of Tony La Russa trying to put on a Sam Bradford jersey before the Rams took on the Saints! We’re not sure if TLR was going for a a Edmonds-style half-shirt thing here, or after being in baseball for so long he’s completely incapable of putting on a jersey that doesn’t button down the front. Update: Woah! …and Tony just retired. Wow. Apparently that jersey was really a bitch to take off too. [Read More]

A World Series Game Six Time Lapse

Before the game last night we decided to start up a time lapse shot while we watched the game to capture our joy or sadness…little did we know it would end up capturing the viewing of the greatest game ever…ever! The capture started just before the first pitch until just a few minutes after the game ended, with a picture taken ever 10 seconds. We also have the tweets from our editor, @mikeflynn_, running down the left side (you’ll need to be in HD fullscreen to read them though). [Read More]