NBC Nightly News Takes Political Poll at Woofies?!

We were alerted by our tipsters that, bizarrely enough, NBC’s national news story about how everyone is pissed off at all politicians, no matter their affliliation, should be set at Woofies hot dogs in Overland.

Sure to be thrilled with the news are some of our local celebrities got to be national celebrities for a second when you can catch their autographed 8×10 in the background. Take for instance Fox2 anchor Kevin Steincross’ glossy by the door:

Congrats Kevin!

They even included the standard “I came here to enjoy a hot dog,…what’s this? A camera?! I better say something while walking towards it.” shot:

It’s all coming together for Overland, Missouri now! We hear NBC has more plans for our little suburb, as shooting should begin on Overland’s To Catch a Predator episode any day now. …or maybe we made that up. You don’t know. Just to be safe, if you head off to any meetings in Overland with a young child, make sure you bring plenty of condoms and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. We hear they go easier on you if you bring gifts.

See the actual NBC story with a St. Louis wiener vendor backdrop after the jump!

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nbc  News  weird  woofies 

You Missed Clean the Lou 2010! Here’s the Recap Video

“Clean the Lou” 2010 is in our review mirror, but if you weren’t aware it was the first annual event of forming teams and cleaning up different areas of St. Louis. On Saturday, September 25, we held our very first Clean The Lou. More than 30 teams and many others across the metropolitan area worked tirelessly to clean up streets, alleys, parks and more. We made some great progress but there’s more to do. [Read More]

So, About That Whole KSDK Interview…

Late Friday afternoon, after exchanging emails with an assignment editor, KSDK reporter Ashley Yarchin came to Punching Kitty headquarters to do a story about our recent post “Craigslist: Anyone Seen the Cardinals Team We Had in April?” and in turn, Punching Kitty the blog. Once setting up all the one-man-show reporter gear in our office we talked on camera about when I started Punching Kitty, what its about, then specifically about the Craigslist post followed by a dramatic reading of my posting. [Read More]

KSDK Exposes Minor’s Name in the Parkway Central Facebook Drama

KSDK made one hell of a production effort for one of their lovely little in-house stand-ups during a recent local news broadcast about the recent might-have-happened-but-who-knows school “shooting” incident involving Parkway Central at the little moron’s Facebook page. They even went to the trouble of bringing up that very Facebook profile in question, blowing it up on the large video monitor beside the reporter.

One thing though: He’s an uncharged minor. You aren’t supposed to be blasting his name everywhere!

It’s cool though, they thought about that little fact…about 5 seconds too late.

Reporter: [Points to screen left of camera] Now this is the profile page in question.

[Camera pans to screen showing full view of profile, including name and photo]

Reporter: …actually, lets come back to that because…uh…come back to me.

[Camera returns to reporter]

Reporter: We are going to protect this student’s name…uh…because he has not been charged.

Thanks KSDK. That’s probably all the “protecting” the kid can take today.

We aren’t sure of the ramifications for their quick legal blunder, but even it amounts to nothing, this is still pretty bad. We also still can’t figure out why they would put the profile up on the big screen if they knew they shouldn’t be showing it. In our mind, everything was cool until the minute they showed that boy’s name and some old guy in the back that’s worked there for years and hasn’t talked in months yelled out “You can’t do that! It’s agains the law!” Old guys always know the law better than anyone. Probably why the always vote and read the news and stuff. We don’t have time for that crap because of all the loud music we listen to while we horseplay.

What?! Transcripts are good enough you say? Good thing our eagle-eyed tip-daddy managed to grab a little video evidence of the “minor” mistake (Click through the jump to see the video)

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John Hamm is Between Two Ferns

Yes it’s a little old, but St. Louisan and star of AMC’s popular show Mad Men, John Hamm, appeared on one of our favorite web shows: Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis “The women in the show sure are very pretty.” “Yes, very much so.” “Do you ever get around to fingering any of them?” “Do you mean like identifying them in a line-up?” More episodes featuring people you don’t care about because they aren’t from St. [Read More]

Video of Girls Screaming in Zac Efron’s Face in St. Louis (also something about Poopstock)

Found on YouTube: A video taken by someone that waited a very long time to get to the front of the Zac Efron line when he came into town for a showing of his movie Charlie St. Cloud at Ronnies in South County. You can hear screams of “I love your hair!” and “Don’t leave!” throughout the clip. Also, if you look closely, a pigeon tries to poop on Efron at one point but a beautiful bald eagle swoops by at the last second to kill the pigeon. [Read More]

Me, Myself, Some Guy and Wang: Exploring Chat Roulette’s Missouri Section

We’ve related Chat Roulette, the (in)famous site where you video chat with someone randomly, to our local area before when someone figured a way to grab screenshots of people and post them according to their geographic location. That was fun, but we wanted Chat Roulette to do the real thing: Make “local” channels to find random chat buddies. Recently they did just that. (Here’s the TechCrunch article about the new local channels) [Read More]

St. Louis Rapper Slapped Mid-Freestyle

Update: The original video was pulled from YouTube. This post has been updated with another found copy. Everyone’s a critic. Watch this rapper get bitch slapped mid-freestyle rap by a smiling “fan” below. Be warned though, this guy is hard core so he says naughty NSFW language. Comments on YouTube about the random violence include such quotable as: “oh hell nah we would have been fightin” “yo dat camera man shaddy as fuck he could’ve warned him. [Read More]

Fox2′s “Web Center” is Apparently a Closet With a Computer in it

“Live in the Web Center. This is George Sells, Fox2 news.” The Web Center?! We were going to do exactly what every pseudo-news outpost is supposed to do in St. Louis and bite on this story that some St. Louis company is going to map Ozzy Osbourne’s DNA and will undoubtedly uncover amazing truths and far too many bat head biting references to count, but when watching the clip about the story on Fox2’s site just now, something else caught our attention… [Read More]

St. Louis Pride Parade!

The sun was slowing cooking us and we felt drastically under-dressed, but we were there, in the crowd, for St. Louis’ annual Pride Parade yesterday. Great crowd (in both size and energy) and as always, visually interesting. We had a great time hanging out (though not as much fun as the guy picture above had hanging out) and putting together another Punching Kitty photo montage, which you can watch below or in HD at our Vimeo page. [Read More]