Great Moments in Native St. Louisan History: Akon Throws a Dude Off-Stage

St. Louis has a rich tradition of fine people hailing from our city, sloppy with “midwestern values” they move out in to other cities always carrying with them the badge of “St. Louis Native”. We don’t think some of these people get enough credit, so we, from time to time, will honor these fine individuals reaching for the stars. Today’s feature? Rapper and St. Louis native Akon. It was over 3 years ago when perma-angry rapper and native St. [Read More]
akon  concert  rap  throw 

Beatle Bob Thinks Kids Will Listen to Him

St. Louis’ Beatle Bob, the uber fan of all shows (and fan of this very site) who has been to a show every night since Jesus was like 26 or something has a new project that doesn’t involve kicking people in the shins with his flailing dance moves. Bob is included on a children’s album about eating healthy. “Healthy Food for Thought: Good Enough to Eat,” which is apparently not at all a joke, is a double-CD with songs about nutrition and exercise. [Read More]

South County Library Displays Creepy Collection of Someone Else’s Dead Royalty

Collecting Raggedy Ann dolls, tea pots and Popeye stuff just isn’t enough for some people. Some times you gotta go for the gold and top it all off with a collection of stuff about a dead person that was briefly royalty to a group of people several thousand miles away. [Helen] McKenna collects tea pots and tea cups. She collects Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. She owns a collection devoted to all things Popeye. [Read More]

Everyone at the Soulard Market Keep it Down!

Hear the World, the hippie arm of Phonak, the hearing aid maker, sent someone out to popular St. Louis locations to see just how loud they were. They’re results were: Market Street and Memorial Drive/I-70 Overpass – 86 decibels Soulard Market – 83 decibels Washington Loft District – 76 decibels South Grand and Juniata Street – 75 decibels The Loop – 73 decibels Ted Drewes (Chippewa) – 72 decibels Right away, who the hell cares about the ambient volume of the Market Street overpass? [Read More]

U2 is Coming to Busch Stadium

Hello St. Louis! Are you ready to rock?! Mega-band U2 has been booked for a July 17th, 2011 appearance at our very own Busch Stadium! Announced Monday afternoon, the Cardinals are bringing the bands “360 Tour” and its musical spectacle packed in 120 semi trucks to the Busch Stadium field. Take the largest stage and tour production in history, one of the greatest bands of all time with three decades of hits, add the world class Busch Stadium, and you have the formula for an evening you’ll never forget. [Read More]

The St. Louis Rally for Sanity and/or Fear

We stopped by the Arch grounds on Saturday afternoon to see how the St. Louis Rally for and/or Fear was doing. The crowd for the “satellite” rally to the one happening in tandem at the Washington DC mall was larger than expected and sitting on the Arch steps watching John Stewart on a smallish screen setup, cheering at every joke and musical performance.

Though some missed the point and brought campaign posters to be intermixed with the awesome signs, the rally was a peaceful, entertaining time for everyone, no matter who you are planning on voting for Tuesday. Sure, there were a few nutjobs…

…but there were far more nice people, filling the Arch ground steps, having a good time…

The one problem for the local rally’s organizers was how do you clear the crowd after the DC rally telecast was over? We know! Have a few comics up on stage to make awkward jokes and talk about edgy stuff like how men and women are different!

There you go! That did it. Plenty of room now to ride your weird bike…

Full gallery after the jump…

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Get Your 2010 St. Louis Themed Halloween Costumes Right Here

We gotta say St. Louis, we didn’t see many interesting costumes running around last Halloween. Sure there were the staples of Sexy Cat, Sexy Nurse, Sexy Bus Driver, Sexy Lunch Lady, Heath Ledger Joker… It’s not that we don’t like the “sexy” costumes…we love them! Keep it up ladies, you actually did pretty damn well last year. You keep on smushing up your boobs in to that nurse outfit, and us guys will keep drinking to help make the second teir ladies look first-string by 2am. [Read More]

Webster University Has a Parking Issue

This photo of someone’s witty reply to Mr. Gottlieb’s parking fine threat has been making the rounds today. Though according to the Webster University website there are 13 lots with various rules of who can park there and when, it’s not enough for some Webster students. One of them has a printer a couple thumb tacks and some free time. Also of note on the Webster University Parking Policy page is this little nugget: [Read More]

Secret Sound Festival Sneaks on to Cherokee Street This Weekend

Think the satellite “Rally for Sanity” is the only thing going on in town this Halloween weekend? Well we don’t blame you. It’s a secret after all. The Secret Sound Festival is going down on the city’s coolest street this weekend with a crap load of indie bands. Tickets to the festival come with all the free “Oh that band? Yeah. Totally saw them play forever ago. Their old stuff before they sold out was much better. [Read More]

Cinema St. Louis Gives Award to Some Dude Named Kathleen

Cinema St. Louis took time last weekend to honor Kathleen Turner, the Springfield, Missouri native and currently in town preforming in “High” at the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, with a lifetime achievement award. It appears, upon exhaustive research, that the award was for lifetime achievement in “acting”, not in “hitting the wall harder than Princess Diana” as we originally thought. Seriously, look at her! Your first instinct is to say “Pretty decent cover for a tranny. [Read More]