If you were all like “what the hell dude? Your posts were short yesterday and there were only two! What the hell?!”
I’d be all like “Dude…I know. I actually went out for a night instead of sitting at home banging on my keyboard getting posts out for you people, and I guess its never enough is it! You know I went out there for you! I took photos! Do you care?
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Get Your Geek on With the Arch Reactor Crew
Some say St. Louis is a real city because we finally have a grocery store downtown, but I say if you want to point to a single item that makes St. Louis a city, we’d pick the fact we are finally getting our very own Hackerspace!
What is a hakerspace? Jesus you’re a n00b. Ok, I’ll humor you.
A hackerspace is a basically a shared space were people can get together and work on projects, show what they know or find some help.
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Six Questions With Craig Mayhem of Nucular Comedy

This coming Wednesday, August 12th, Punching Kitty is joining with Girls Guide to the Galaxy and Nucular Comedy to present the latest Nucular Comedy night at Atomic Cowboy, so come on out, have a beer, get yourself a Punching Kitty sticker and look over my shoulder as I watch the comedy and write up the next day’s posts!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, we thought it would fun to toss a few questions in the direction of the host of Nucular Comedy, Craig Mayhem.
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No Shoes, No Service…Babies Included!

A Sunset Hills Burger King manager threw a mother and her six month old baby out of the restaurant because the baby didn’t have shoes on.
From Mahalo’s page on the subject:
Jennifer Frederich brought her baby daughter into the restaurant barefoot and ordered food. The manager told her, “you can order ‘to go’ but you’re going to have to leave if she doesn’t have shoes on, it’s against health code.
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The Loop Trolley Cars: Classic or Modern?
If you are a fan of Punching Kitty on Facebook, you saw us post a link to the RFT article about Joe “Loop Godfather” Edward’s plans for the Loop Trolley take one step further. Exciting news to be sure, with its short run to Forest Park and back and its classic look, it will no doubt be a cool addition to the Loop and add to it’s “Coolest Street” cred.
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Missouri Band is Sad About Making Kids Sad
The Get Up Kids have told the Guardian that they apologize for inventing emo.
“If this is the world we helped create,” guitarist James Suptic said, after looking into the crowd at a reunion gig, “then I apologise.”
Oh its ok guys. Emo isn’t all bad! There are some good things…
“There should be a How to Be a Pop-Punk Kid Starter Kit with bands like the Get Up Kids, so kids would know whose shoulders bands like us are standing on,” Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz told Alternative Press in 2005.
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Street Musician: A CurrentTV Video Flimed in the Loop
This is a little old being as it was posted in October of last year, but I just ran across it today and its a great little piece shot in the Loop about a street musician named Bryson Gerard. I know I’ve seen this guy sitting in front of Vintage Vinyl from time to time, and I’m guessing many of you have too.
The page for this on Current is here: current.
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Lambert Add Window on St. Louis, Quickly Shuts Shades
According to USAToday, a new interactive art exhibit is being installed in to Lambert Airport.
The feature is called Windows on St. Louis. It’s a glass-walled gallery where six cultural attractions have filled the windows with art and memorabilia.
Touch-screen computer technology allows people to take a digital tour of the Gateway Arch grounds. Other sections highlight celebrated museums, neighborhoods and a cathedral.
You wanna know something thats going to shock you?
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Schnucks Door Fail

Found on a Schnucks door over the weekend:
Sonic Youth Has the Sexiest Fans

In the crowd at last Friday’s “Live on the Levee” Sonic Youth show, we find this little photographic nugget of awesomeness:
Oh god this is a hot audience! I know what you are thinking…for the girls: [Cat Sound], and the fellas: “I’ve got a boner!“
I’m guessing the 4th horseman is getting the beers.
I bet you $40 bucks the little one on the left lives in the middle guy’s beard.
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