Nevermind all the local news stories where the reporter wondered out loud of how the reception for Kanye West would be when he came to town, as if people actually buy tickets to throw tomatoes at the act. The “Fame Kills” tour has been canceled, and that includes it’s St. Louis date.
Of course West has been in the news lately because of his rude actions toward cute little Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards.
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Dairy Queen’s Reefer Bash 2: The Electric Boogaloo
Sometimes things are so awesome, you have no choice but to squeeze a sequel out. Take Legally Blonde, wait no…Teen Wolf!…err…um…Speed!! Nevermind. Movies are a bad example, but Dairy Queen’s “Titz n’ Reefer Bash” from a few days back is!
Oh thats right! Our eagled-eye’d (or horny, pot smoking) reader has spotted a change to the sign! Note the now added “2” on the left but still the same awesome-adding “69” on the right.
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PlaybackSTL Music Festival: Ssshhh. Apparently its a Secret!
Saturday we went to go checkout PlaybackSTL‘s music festival that took place in the Loop this weekend. This was the most interesting thing I saw:
One might think its weird that you would go down to one of the more fun areas of St. Louis to see a music festival and you hear no music, see any signs of a festival, but instead just see a scary, chain smoking clown, but that’s apparently the way PlaybackSTL wanted it…a secret music festival.
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Is Dairy Queen Sponsoring a Reefer Bash?
One of our eagle-eyed, sex-machine, chick-magnet, party-loving readers sent in these photos they snapped of the Dairy Queen sign at the corner of Lafayette Ave and South 7th Street in Soulard.
Can anyone give us any info on the “Titz ‘n Reefer bash? I hear there were both “Titz” and “Reefer” which are really all you need for an awesome party…also, ice cream cake helps, which is why that this party being on this sign is like the harbinger of the greatest party of all time!
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Sighting: Spiderman Protecting the Loop
Just a few steps east of Blueberry Hill on Delmar we saw him. Spiderman, looking out over the Loop ready to protect us from hippies and weird bums that want change, but are oddly well dressed for someone that needs a quarter.

The Mysterious Hampton Wig Trail

Anyone lose some wigs on Hampton? If you did, that would really make this less of a mystery, but until you fess up, this is some weird crap right here.
According to our source there was an apparent trail of wigs going down Hampton Ave. in the area of the Target there at Chippewa.
Here are some photos:
Yes, we’ve considered that the furry objects could be something else other than wigs, but I don’t think tribbles are that dark and only I need a merkin that big, so we can’t think of what else they could be.
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Apparently “Parades of Pink” Aren’t Just For the East Side
You know how sometimes you catch a glimpse of something and you are all like “Oh hells yeah! Where’s a change machine, I need me some singles…did these pants just get tight?” but then you read more and you hear this little drooping sound from your crotch?
That just happened when I saw a news post for a “Parade of Pink”…its what what you think…its way way gayer.
Members of the Wentville Firefighters Community Outreach will host a 7k run, a 1-mile walk and 1:30 p.
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No Legs or Money, But Plenty of Commitment
Here’s to you handicapped, semi-homeless guy outside Busch Stadium! No, there isn’t anyone within a mile off you, but there you are, wheelchair brake applied, cup sticking out. Who’s going to put money in there? I have no idea and neither do you, but screw that! Who needs common sense?! Sure you could just bring the cup in a put it in your lap since no one is on either horizon, but thats how cheaters beg as fas as you’re concerned!
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Found on the City Streets: One Orphaned Unicorn
You never know what you will find while driving around the street of St. Louis, and today we found the best proof of that statement yet.
We drove by to see an “orphaned” unicorn sitting on the sidewalk of South City, placed by some grass (so it won’t go hungry we assume). I also had the following note on it’s head:
FREE to a good home.
We had no need for a unicorn here at Punching Kitty headquarters, so we let it be.
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Streetballers Opens This Friday
We’ve been hearing buzz about this for a while now, but the press release we got last night sealed the deal! Plus this film is pretty much 100% connected with St. Louis, so thats pretty cool. Well I guess we have to talk about this!
The winner of seven notable awards including, “Best Cinematography”, “Jury Award”, “Audience Choice Award” and “Best Dramatic Feature” has partnered with the Landmark and Wehrenberg Theatres in Saint Louis for the film’s initial national launch.
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