PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013
Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.
We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.
While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.
- The Editor
One Last Thing On Pujols
Posted on December 13, 2011
| The Editor
We wanted to leave the Pujols news where it was last week and start this week Pujols-free, but this sad attempt to make sure everyone still loves him and his family in St. Louis is beyond pathetic and gave us little choice to really weigh in rather than just post photoshops and videos.
“I made a decision. I’m being obedient. I didn’t want to go to a place God didn’t want me to go to.
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O’Fallon Man Got Busted For Being Internet Perv
Posted on December 12, 2011
| The Editor
Robert Stevens, a 34 year old man from O’Fallon, Missouri, was charged with five counts of being a total perv after exposing himself to teenage girls on the internet.
A St. Charles Sheriff’s Department detective wrote in court documents that in September, Stevens opened five separate user accounts on the social networking site myYearbook.
The website captured the images of Stevens exposing himself and notified authorities. The default settings to communicate via webcam to other users was set so that Stevens could communicate with 13 to 17-year-old girls, the detective wrote.
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Albert Pujols Gets the Taiwanese Animation Treatment
Posted on December 9, 2011
| The Editor
No, this isn’t another KSDK commercial, this is the infamous Taiwanese news animation and they have turned their focus to our very own…er, Southern California’s Albert Pujols!
Check out the video above (with subtitles) to watch Pujols drop his bat during a Cardinal game to chase a bag of money then literally gun down Rangers pitching and follow all that up with a montage of him aging through his contract until he can barely hold his bat!
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St. Louis Experiences the First Phase of Pujols Grief
Posted on December 9, 2011
| The Editor
As you may have heard yesterday, Albert Pujols, king of St. Louis, chose to leave and play in Los Angeles for $40-ish million extra dollars and a guaranteed 10 year contract. After the news broke, all of us chose to handle the sudden realization that come spring someone else will be playing 1st base and running through Oquendo stop signs at third in different ways.
Some took to Facebook, expressing their anger on the Official Albert Pujols fan page:
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STLToday.com’s Headline [FIXED]
Posted on December 8, 2011
| The Editor
Pujols Likes $30 Million Dollars More Than You
Posted on December 8, 2011
| The Editor
[Editor’s Note: Ok, so we were pretty sure Pujols was going to the Marlins a few days ago when we made this, and then when we went to edit it we realized that the Angels really don’t have a mascot per se…so now you’ve got this. The point is still the same right? Makes sense still…they have fish in California…and they get to be Angels too one would assume. Whatever. Shut up!
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Drunk Guy Arrested After Eating Stranger’s Cereal
Posted on December 8, 2011
| The Editor
Early Sunday morning a drunk guy wandered in to someone’s house in Columbia, Illinois, grabbed a bowl of cereal and made himself at home. He didn’t sneak in, just came right in through the front door, right passed the home owner and chilled in their kitchen.
“He walked into the house. The dad met him in the living room. He thought he was a friend of one of his sons at first.
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Missouri Wants Permission to Leave a Few Children Behind
Posted on December 7, 2011
| The Editor
“No Child Left Behind” is a federal mandate stipulating that all students must be able to perform basic math and reading skills and prepare all kids for college or to join the work force…but not in Missouri, because dem roolz r too dang imp0sable!
The Education Department is seeking a waiver which is allowed but first they want to know what you think. Education officials will gather public input starting now until January 5 and then will present their plan to the State Board of Education on January 17th.
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KSDK Sports 2012 Looks Like the Worst Game Ever
Posted on December 6, 2011
| The Editor
Five random thoughts after watching one of the weirdest local news commercial St. Louis has seen (and it’s seen some insanely weird ones):
1. Are my only choices for my lineup Katie Felts, Rene Knott, and Frank Cusumano? We’d love a “Create-an-Anchor-That-Can-Pronounce-Names-Correctly” Feature! Eh who are we kidding, we’d take all the fun out of the game by maxing all the attributes to 100, making a over-sized linebacker of a sports reporter who will just run over people…just like KMOV did.
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Wentzville Tattoo Artist Invents New Belly Piercing Remover…Oh Wait. That’s Just a Gun.
Posted on December 5, 2011
| The Editor
A Wentzville tatto shop owner is facing gun and drug charges, which is a total bummer since he’s already in trouble for getting caught video taping women in his shop’s bathroom. The real shame of all of this is the lost of trust, because if you can’t trust your small town creepy tattoo artist to not shoot you or videotape you in the horrible little bathroom, then what do you have in this world?
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