PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

No One in St. Louis Bothered to Pick Up that Dead Crazy Downtown Deer From Friday

Everyone was all a-Twitter on Friday because of the news that a runaway deer was going crazy downtown, smashing in to buildings and then dying, appropriately enough, on Memorial Drive. It turns out that the deer came in to the city from his West County home, and then quickly became frustrated with the traffic and parking, before getting mugged and then freaked out when the random guard at the Metrolink entrance wouldn’t let him down the stairs because he didn’t have a ticket. [Read More]

Some Guy Got Shot in the Face While Leaving His Apartment

St. Louis’ totally uncool obsession with shooting people in the face continued over the weekend when a man was shot (in the face) while leaving his downtown apartment. Officials say the victim was driving outside the Mansion House Apartments off Memorial Drive just after 3 p.m. when two suspects walked up to his SUV and shot him. Dude. We really don’t want or need to get in to the long history of people getting shot in the face in our city, or why that’s just not civilized. [Read More]

Police Raid East St. Louis Nightclubs, Because Why Not?

Early Sunday morning state police raided three East St. Louis nightclubs to look for crimes and because they wanted to grab a beer so going all at once with bullet-proof vests and guns drawn seemed like the safest way to go. According to search warrants, investigators were looking for illegal drugs, weapons and other evidence of wrongdoing at three East St. Louis clubs: Posh, Club 103 and Club Rolex. They actually had to go get a search warrant to search an East St. [Read More]

SNY Broadcasted Mets No Hitter Reaction From Both R.A. Dicky and an Actual Dick

So the Cardinals got no-hit last night by the Mets…which sucks…and it’s even bigger news than a “regular” no-hitter since it’s the first one ever for the Mets, so it’s all over the news…which sucks more. Sliver lining: While interviewing today’s Mets’ piture about the no-hitter, Mets channel SNY accidentally broadcast a full set of dick and balls. Here’s the screenshot as uploaded to Reddit by “pminkin” earlier today (which we’ve edited by drawing a cartoon dick over the actual dick…not R. [Read More]

Becky “Queen of Carpet” Has Uploaded All Her Old Commercials to YouTube

Everyone knows that Becky, the area’s “Queen of Carpet”, has a long history of horrible commercials and if one came on right now, you’d be all like “Ugh, how has that carpet she stands on not given way and let her fall to her death yet?!” …but if we told you she uploaded all of her old commercials to YouTube, we bet you’d spend the vast majority of your Friday watching them! [Read More]

Sam Bradford and Tim Tebow Worship the Nike Devil According to Crazy Guy on Internet

All those people out there that think Jets backup QB Tim Tebow and Rams starting QB Sam Bradford are nice, super Christian-types are dead wrong. Turns out both of these guys not-so-secretly worship the pagan god Nike and they must be stopped! …or at least that’s what the crazy guy on the internet told us. [Editor’s Note: Everything below is for realz what one guy thinks. So consider this as confirmation of each and every one of the following crazy statements below. [Read More]

St. Louis to Replace Metal Street Signs With Cheaper Plastic Ones

Apparently St. Louis has a major issue with people stealing street signs. One theory is people are stealing the metal signs to sell to scrap metal dealers, while our theory is that people are stealing them to put under their shirts for cheap bullet-proof vests. Either way it’s a problem. St. Louis City Streets Department Director Todd Waelterman says with the economy already straining budgets, sign replacement is becoming a problem. [Read More]

The World’s Stupidest Tattoo Features 2011 World Series

It was a hot Memorial Day weekend in St. Louis, so you no doubt bore witness to a large number of dudes peeling their shirt off by the lake or BBQing or other mundane situations that make guys think they should take their shirt off. While all those shirts where being pulled off they no doubt uncovered lots of horrible things like fat, hair, oddly large nipples and more often than not, horrible tattoos. [Read More]

Fox Sports Midwest Thinks All Middle Infielder Bench Players Are the Same

Good catch by the tip line from yesterday’s Cardinal game. Poor Daniel Descalso, he’s only going to hit a few home runs each year, so the least Fox Sports Midwest could do is get the man’s name right as he rounds the bases.

Of course it could be worse. They could have called him “Bench Player Guy”, like poor “Minor League Guy” from spring training.

via [email protected]

Tough Angry Biker Guy: 0; Old Man With Semi-Automatic Weapon: 1

At least two people have been killed in East St. Louis shootings over the long weekend that started with a “Stop the Violence” rally, but if you think that’s news then we should also tell you about the Cubs being horrible and how Taco Bell makes us poop. What is a little more news like is that a man was shot today on an overpass after what appears to be a “road rage” incident…and it happened deep in St. [Read More]