The Internet Hate Machine Turns On Kurt Greenbaum

Maybe you saw our post yesterday about Kurt Greenbaum, the Post Dispatch’s Social Media Director and how he got a man fired because he posted a “vulgarity” on the comments of an STLToday article. If not, check it out, we go in to in detail there. In that post, I dropped this little pull quote, suitable for twittering and the like: …and then the internet skull-f*cked him. I was wrong. The internet populace hadn’t begun to skull f*ck him at that point. [Read More]

Post Dispatch Now Firing People That Don’t Even Work There

Word on the street is that now the Post Dispatch is firing people that don’t even work there! How is this even profitable?! We hear from the man himself that former PD gossip columnist Jerry Berger was recently banned from visiting his old friends at “Disgruntled Town”, aka the Post Dispatch Office. From Berger’s new and extremely hard to read site, — BERGER BANNED!: Went to visit my old friends in the newsroom at the P-D – just saying hello, reminiscing, a few smooches and hugs. [Read More]

Post Dispatch Runs Out of News, Starts Posting Headshots on Home Page

I go to and I see this on the front page: This is it huh? The day you just started running headshots on the front page. None of us should be surprised, it was bound to happen. Wait, maybe this head shot is of some news-worthy person that I’m not aware of, I’ll just check the caption. … Nevermind. I’ve just decided I’ll still keep coming here from time to time dispite the glamour shots home page…well unless I swing by and see that Dan Ceasar mug shot on the home page. [Read More]

Post Dispatch Sends Bonetti Packing, and He Goes Out Like A Bitch

This week in our apparently on-going feature of long time (and well-paid) Post Dispatch employees getting swept out the door and sending out “They tell me I have to say I’m leaving on my own or they won’t give me that extra money they promised” emails, we feature art critic David Bonetti. He left the post “Farewell to the Lou” on his “Culture Club” blog Friday. As some of you might have heard, I am leaving the Post-Dispatch. [Read More]

Would Increasing the Drivers License Age Limit Create a Utopia?

Ed “You Punks Get Off My Lawn” Willis thinks so, as he stated in his Letter to the Editor: We can improve the economy, benefit the environment, and save lives, all in one fell swoop. However, this change will require a great deal of courage and a strong sense of responsibility on the part of parents and lawmakers. We must take the car keys away from 16 year olds. The minimum age for a driver’s license should be 18. [Read More]

More Expensive Talent Exits the Post Dispatch

We told you! We knew Pam Maples wouldn’t be the last high-priced head in the basket below the Post Dispatch’s guillotine. Yesterday news broke that the deputy managing editor, Christy Bertelson is retiring. Yup, retiring. Read in to that what you may… Bertelson has worked at the Post for 23 years, working her way up from reporter to her current post, and helping lead the PD through their best times. [Read More]

Translating Pam Maples’ Goodbye Memo to Post Dispatch Staff

Translating Pam Maples’ Goodbye Memo to Post Dispatch Staff
Last Friday evening, Pam Maples, the managing editor of the Post Dispatch “resigned” and with the timing and the surrounding details, it didn’t exactly add up to us, and we weren’t the only ones that thought so. Yesterday, the plot thickened as Maples’ goodbye memo to the Post Dispatch staff was leaked to the Riverfront Times. As a public service to our sexy readers, we will now translate the letter for you from BS to real talk. [Read More]

Post Dispatch Managing Editor Put in Recycling Bin

Post Dispatch Managing Editor Put in Recycling Bin
Pam Maples, the managing editor of the Post Dispatch is out as of August 18, ending her three year stint in that position. Oh and they say she is “resigning”, if you want to believe that. We don’t. Here’s why: No one…I repeat…no one…puts out a press release or an announcement on a Friday evening unless they want people to never notice it. The Post Dispatch is no refilling the position. [Read More]