We were telling someone, just a couple of days ago, that “The Loop” was a great area of St. Louis and doesn’t have the issues the rest of the city seems to be unable to fix. “Stick to Delmar between The Pageant and Cicero’s and you’ll be fine.”
St. Louis you’ve made a liar out of us.
KMOX’s Michael Calhoun went on Twitter Saturday night and on the KMOX website (which inexplicably named: stlouis.
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The Mysterious Running Wilderness Man of the Loop’s Ice Festival
While seemingly every other blog was off covering the weekend’s “Cardinals Winter Warm-Up” we decided we’d grab our camera and cover the weekend’s forgotten event, the Loop’s Ice Festival.
We took a bunch of pictures which we could post here and have a few people find mildly entertaining, but we just can’t do that. It just wouldn’t hold a candle to the photos (and video!) we have of the man we’re calling the “Mysterious Running Wilderness Man” who came in a very close second in the morning’s 5k race only to promptly dance to the music and try to high-five people that had little to no interest in high-fiving him.
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Photoshopping St. Louis: Mr. Edwards’ Trolley
Hey neighbors! It looks like Mr. Joe Edwards is getting his trolley!
[T]he federal government is pitching in $25-million toward a trolley car that would run between University City and western parts of St. Louis.
This $44-million total project would run trolley cars between City Hall down Delmar, then south on Debaliviere to the Missouri history museum on Debaliviere in Forest park.
For a while it looked like it may never happen, but now it looks like it could be in place as soon as 2012, according to Edwards.
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Best. Street Sign Flyer. Ever.
We don’t know what it’s for, but it’s awesome. Apparently someone said there were words on it describing what it was about but we don’t remember seeing any words. Just perfectly drawn nipples on cartoon boobs with crazy flame hair and crotch grabbing. All for only $7 + a minor surcharge!
Found in the Loop.
Those Flyer People in the Loop Can Go Straight to Hell
“Crap. They’re back.”
“Come see.”
The two of them stand up and look in to the window facing the parking lot, each of them looking through their reflections, focusing on their respective cars.
“They didn’t get mine yet.”
“Well the bastards got mine double and their heading your direction.”
“Maybe they’ll miss it.”
The crowd at the window has now grown to 6.
“Can someone set off their alarm? That would freak them out.
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RFT Writer Gets Sucker Punched in the Loop
We at Punching Kitty love being in the city during the spring. Walking down the streets of the Looop, with that cool nip in the air that makes it so you can’t decide if you should have brought your coat. Looking at the shine of the streetlights coming off the rain puddles on still on the streets from the night below takes your focus to the point where you don’t even see the little bitch about to sucker punch you as you walk past the Subway.
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Hoes Be Trippin in the Loop Yesterday
Not sure if the sorta-thaw we had yesterday loosed up the frozen crazy, but in some crazy crap was going down in the Loop around lunch time.
First at the corner of Leland and Delmar we saw a 70+ year old woman land a punch on a van as it sped through the intersection. I mean a punch too, nothing accidental. A freaking punch.
Not more than an hour later, we saw a woman beat the living hell out of a “gentleman” over a video game.
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Sighting: Spiderman Protecting the Loop
Just a few steps east of Blueberry Hill on Delmar we saw him. Spiderman, looking out over the Loop ready to protect us from hippies and weird bums that want change, but are oddly well dressed for someone that needs a quarter.

The Loop Trolley Cars: Classic or Modern?
If you are a fan of Punching Kitty on Facebook, you saw us post a link to the RFT article about Joe “Loop Godfather” Edward’s plans for the Loop Trolley take one step further. Exciting news to be sure, with its short run to Forest Park and back and its classic look, it will no doubt be a cool addition to the Loop and add to it’s “Coolest Street” cred.
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Street Musician: A CurrentTV Video Flimed in the Loop
This is a little old being as it was posted in October of last year, but I just ran across it today and its a great little piece shot in the Loop about a street musician named Bryson Gerard. I know I’ve seen this guy sitting in front of Vintage Vinyl from time to time, and I’m guessing many of you have too.
The page for this on Current is here: current.
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