KMOV Reporter Likes the Interim U City Principal…Like Likes Her…Totally

You know how when a local high school anoints someone the interim principal everyone wants to talk about the big news and really pour over the effectiveness of the person who’s job is to keep the seat warm for the eventual principal, which then obviously leads to people clamoring for a local news anchor no one’s heard of to go on to the station’s website and tell everyone what he thinks about the interim principal after calling a meeting with her as if he, the principal or any of this matters? [Read More]

Hoes Be Trippin in the Loop Yesterday

Not sure if the sorta-thaw we had yesterday loosed up the frozen crazy, but in some crazy crap was going down in the Loop around lunch time. First at the corner of Leland and Delmar we saw a 70+ year old woman land a punch on a van as it sped through the intersection. I mean a punch too, nothing accidental. A freaking punch. Not more than an hour later, we saw a woman beat the living hell out of a “gentleman” over a video game. [Read More]