PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013
Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.
We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.
While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.
- The Editor
World Series Game 5: WTF Tony?!
Kansas City Man Runs Naked in to House, and in to Child’s Room
Hey, How Did the Rams and the Cardinals Do in Dallas Yesterday?
Checking on the World Series Coverage
Holy Freaking Balls: The Cardinals Are in the World Series!
NLCS: Game 5
We didn’t do one of these yesterday, and we lost. Our bad. We’re back at it tonight though. Doin’ it for Torty (the original Cardinal post-season animal).
1st inning: Quick inning for both sides. Ryan Braun got a hit again, but that’s not news.
Top 2nd: Garcia looks good so far, but it’s all about when he gives up a hit or two. Here’s something else: TBS sucks.
7:26p: John Smoltz won’t ever stop talking.
7:28p: How hard is it to keep the game feed working UVerse? It feels like there hasn’t been a post season game that our UVerse HD feed hasn’t crapped out at some point. Oh and the jumpy Carlos Gomez got thrown out on the bases.
Mid 2nd: Ok, we’re just going to say it, the commercial with the little girl is surprising. We had no idea any black people liked country music…other than Hootie (- the Blowfish).
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