PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

State Politician Wants to Make Gas Stations Notify You About Price Hikes

If you just read all the stupid crap the Missouri State government spends their time fighting over (Rush Limbaugh, Presidential ID checks, etc…) you’d think Missouri must be totally bitchin’ to live in. If their government is killing time with that crap, it’s gotta be all free banana splits and blow jobs over there right? Nah. It’s just that we elected morons. A Missouri lawmaker says we all should get a heads-up when there’s a price hike at the gas pump. [Read More]
economy  gas 

This Week in Duh: St. Charles County is Healthy, and St. Louis City is Not

Once again some organization told everyone stuff we already knew: St. Charles County is super healthy and St. Louis City is horribly unhealthy. Could it have something to do with the amount of violent crime and percentage of people with quality health care? Nah! It’s about parks and having a place to ride 10 speed bikes with black shorts and yellow skin tight tops that show your man boobs. For the third year in a row, St. [Read More]

Hey Kids, Who Wants To Bounce Around in the Big Cardinal’s Crotch?!

Promotional money well spent Memphis Redbirds (the Cardinals minor league affiliate). A giant crotch displaying Cardinal is sure to rile the kids up on game day. “So just point out where on the Cardinal did they make you go inside of it.” We couldn’t figure it out until now, but becoming a depressed weirdo after being screwed up by a giant inflatable Cardinal as a child might be how all those non-Chicago native Cubs fans are made. [Read More]

The New Tornado Warnings Are Here and They Are Gonna Scare the Crap Out of You!

While it’s been well known to everyone for some time is that people, in general, ignore tornado warning sirens. They go off and people don’t listen, can’t hear them or just wish they’d stop so that they can continue their mugging without interruption. Weather people just found out though, and so as of today they are introducing a new warning system that they think will make people realize when a tornado is small, or a tornado is of Joplin-destroying magnitude. [Read More]

St. Charles Massage Parlor Owner Arrested for High Tech Peeping

If you’ve ever made the poor choice to get a massage at a place in St. Charles owned by a guy that looks like the standard Law and Order rapist, then congrats on being a movie star! …well not all of you. Some of you ladies are unattractive enough that he probably threw away the tape after you left, or maybe didn’t even bother to turn the secret camera on. Lucky you! [Read More]

The Loop Hosted a Massive Fight and a Shooting Saturday Night

We were telling someone, just a couple of days ago, that “The Loop” was a great area of St. Louis and doesn’t have the issues the rest of the city seems to be unable to fix. “Stick to Delmar between The Pageant and Cicero’s and you’ll be fine.” St. Louis you’ve made a liar out of us. KMOX’s Michael Calhoun went on Twitter Saturday night and on the KMOX website (which inexplicably named: stlouis. [Read More]

The Loop’s El Maguey: Now Serving Cock?

You spend your lunch hour on this lovely Friday afternoon at a local Mexican establishment and everything was pretty nice…except for the bill. Good thing we won’t be expensing this meal, or we’d probably have some explaining to do. We really don’t remember ordering that, and even if we accidentally ordered it by saying the Spanish word for it we definitely would have sent it back. We hate to be the guy to send things back to the kitchen because you look like such a douche, but “cock”, even for only $2, is where we draw the line. [Read More]

Missouri Half Way To Being Annoying Obviously Racist State Who Protends Not To Be

The Missouri House passed what has been called the “birther” bill, in which candidates for president or vice president would have to prove their U.S. citizenship in order to be put on the Missouri State’s ballot, inching us all one step closer to future laws such as the “Presidential hopefuls shall measure their dicks (from the balls, not the base!) for the State of Missouri and if he is larger than the average elected official, he will be denied a spot on the ballot! [Read More]

City Officials Foil Earth’s Plot to Swallow St. Louis

KMOV is reporting that a sink hole forming in South City has been fixed, thus foiling the earth’s desire to suck the city of St. Louis back in to the earth so it can grow a bunch of flowers there instead…and maybe put up a Jamba Juice. Residents in the 5200 block of Parker and Fairview say it had been blocking their alley since February. A St. Louis City Streets Department official says the broken sewer pipe underground should be fixed tomorrow. [Read More]

Beware of Venom on Shenandoah and Jefferson

This Venom-like creature was spotted at Shenandoah and Jefferson across the street from Kakao Chocolate. He’s really scary looking, but luckily he has an oddly thin and short body, so he was pinned to the light pole with those metal loops.

Scary to think what he could do if ever released.

[Editor’s Note: Anyone know any backstory on this guy? [email protected]]

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