Joe Sports Fan Kickstarts Pledge Drive For Their New Project

Our friends at Joe Sports Fan have launched a very interesting idea: asking the St. Louis fans to help fund their new all local relaunch and podcast with a Kickstarter campaign. The goal is $5,000, and while they’re off to a good start, we’d hate to see this brillant idea stall after the glow of the Deb Peterson press release article fades. If you’ve never heard of Joe Sports Fan, here’s all you need to know: Occasionally we can’t help ourselves, but we try very hard to not cover sports stories because the guys over there have St. [Read More]

St. Louis Doesn’t Say Any of This Sh*t

Perhaps you’ve heard of the popular video and Twitter account “Shit Girls Say“, and if so you’re certainly aware that it spawned a whole series of “Shit [Some Subset of the Human Race] Say” videos which all suck so hard watching them is like someone took a spike, put it in their butt just a little bit, then stabbed us in our brain through our eye and swirled it around. That being said, people are still making them and the joke just won’t die. [Read More]

Here’s Some Insane Tweets to Joe Buck After Sunday’s Football Game

Poor Joe Buck (@buck on Twitter), he just can’t win. The St. Louis native is always a dick to your team.Which team? Your team. …No wait. Of the two teams that played in Sunday’s NFC championship game, which one did he hate specifically? The one that you liked. Of course not everyone is team specific. Other’s just have career advice: Laugh now, but a small part of you thought Buck heaped a little too much praise on Mike Napoli in the World Series didn’t you? [Read More]

Just One? Oh KMOV, You’re Just Not Looking Hard Enough!

We noticed this headline last night on, but after a second we realized we always notice this headline on  Think of the time it saves to just always have this same headline on the home page! If someone calls you on it you’re only wrong for a max of like 30 minutes. It’s brilliant.

Cupcake Project Unveils Man’s Greatest Achievement to Date: The Buffalo Chicken Cupcake

Fire and the wheel are totally important and we wouldn’t be where we are today without them, but dude…Buffalo Chicken Cupcakes exist now and that’s just too awesome to ignore. But a big thank you to “fire” which helped bake them, and to “the wheel” for…uh…well we’re pretty sure there’s a wheel involved behind the scenes somewhere. Here’s to Stef, the St. Louisan behind Cup Cake, and our new favorite person ever. [Read More]

Albert Pujols Gets the Taiwanese Animation Treatment

No, this isn’t another KSDK commercial, this is the infamous Taiwanese news animation and they have turned their focus to our very own…er, Southern California’s Albert Pujols! Check out the video above (with subtitles) to watch Pujols drop his bat during a Cardinal game to chase a bag of money then literally gun down Rangers pitching and follow all that up with a montage of him aging through his contract until he can barely hold his bat! [Read More]

KTRS’ JC Corcoran Suspended 2 Weeks for Telling Pretty Much Everyone To Blow Themselves

So remember when we celebrated “JC Corcoran Says Pujols Will Re-Sign Today” Day? Well that whole thing is still going on. No, not the actual day, that came and went with no Pujols news. What’s still been happening is all the chatter since then which came to a head yesterday after KTRS suspended Corcoran for two weeks, as was initially reported by STLToday, but was independently confirmed with our sources as well. [Read More]

Rangers Manager Ron Washington Sounds Just How You’d Think He’d Sound in his Game 7 Pep Talk

Our friends at Joe Sports Fan won the internet yesterday after posting a tape of the Game 7 pre-game pep talk Ron Washington gave to his team. While the Rangers talk about hunting down the “leak” and feeding him to Nolan Ryan’s dogs and then back-peddle and say it’s been taken care of, lets list our top 5 favorite parts: #5: “[Game 6] was one of the most tremendous baseball games I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of. [Read More]