Thanks to the Riverfront Times for once again honoring us with a RFT Web Award. We even showed up to the award show, making a rare public appearance to meet with the fans and lean on a wall while tweeting jokes that never did get to show up on the big Twitter wall thing they had. Damn censors.
The show was quite the spectacle. RFT’s Chad Garrison really took to the role of host (think James Franco at the Oscars) which only turned out to the be pre-show, as the impromptu freaky dance party that followed the awards portion really stole the show, and cost us a few grand in therapy ones those memories un-repress themselves in 10 years.
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Thanks RFT: We’re the Best “Local Celebrity Site”
We want to thank the Riverfront Times for selecting us as the “Best Local Celebrity Site” in their Web Awards! Hell, we even made the cover (That’s us above with or logo look-a-like cat.)
We mentioned before we had made the list of finalists, but here’s what the judges had to say on our selection:
This is the only nominee that has daily updates and includes “celebrities” with some kind of tie to St.
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Update on The Beautiful Kind’s Coming Out Party
We had a tip slip by us when we had already written our original story on The Beautiful Kind’s announcement, but it’s worth of an update.
Our friends at the Riverfront Times have released an in-depth story with lots of interesting childhood details that’s worth reading — NSFW: The St. Louis mom behind sex blog the Beautiful Kind is outing herself
Go for the story, stay for the classy photos of her dildo collection.
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The RFT Throws Their Panties at Weird St. Louis Rap Video Guy
Oh look the RFT’s Music blog has an interview with some local rapper named “Corle 2 Da”…why does that name sound familiar?…
You may have seen this excellent vid floating around the Interwebz in the past two weeks. “So St. Louis” is the work of one Corle 2 Da, a Belleville rapper looking to make his mark on this side of the river.
Belleville rapper…god this all sound so familiar. Wait!
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Riverfront Times Takes Down
The site is gone. There isn’t even a traditional “It’s over” page…it’s just gone. The domain now goes to an all-ad page.
What happened? Lawyers and copyright law happened, and the heat came from the Riverfront Times.
As we’re sure you’re aware, each year the Riverfront Times puts out its “Best of St. Louis” issue and because of that believes it holds the rights to the term “Best of St.
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Mr. Dana Loesch Calls RiverFront Times to Complain About Their Correct Story
Mr. Dana Loesch, aka Chris Loesch, a frequent, but pseudonymed, commenter on all posts concerning Dana on this very site, has quite a reputation around town of appearing like Beetlejuice when someone mentions his wife’s name three times. No, it doesn’t matter if they are “attacking” her or just reporting, he still appears.
The most recent sighting was the Riverfront Times where…well, I’ll let RFT reporter Chad Garrison tell you:
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Kristen Hinman Leaves the Riverfront Times
We heard rumors, but today the word was out that it was indeed real: Sometimes people leave newspaper jobs on their own accord.
Also, Kristen Hinman is leaving the Riverfront Times.
Hinman, who has been at the RFT for over five years, has been the fingers at the keyboard for some of their more memorable posts in recent years including the recent piece on fan-of-the-site Dana Loesch and, one of our favorites, a article entitled: Kevin Slaten’s Head Is About to Explode: The exiled sports-talk radio ranter needs to get some things off his chest.
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RFT Writer Gets Sucker Punched in the Loop
We at Punching Kitty love being in the city during the spring. Walking down the streets of the Looop, with that cool nip in the air that makes it so you can’t decide if you should have brought your coat. Looking at the shine of the streetlights coming off the rain puddles on still on the streets from the night below takes your focus to the point where you don’t even see the little bitch about to sucker punch you as you walk past the Subway.
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Punching Kitty Featured in Riverfront Times
Hey St. Louis bloggers that didn’t get featured by the Riverfront Times! At best you are only the 14th best blogger in St. Louis. That must suck for you. We are anywhere between the 1st and the 13th (must be on the 1st side of things though because I mean…jesus. Just look at us. Pure. Sex.)
Punching Kitty is St. Louis’ answer to Gawker, a kindred sprit in snarkiness, with a special affinity for media folly.
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We Are Totally St. Louis’ Best Blog Right?

You guys are planning on voting for us as St. Louis’ best blog right?
I mean look at all we’ve done for you! Remember that thing we got you that one time? What about that time you were so drunk and we helped you do that thing you couldn’t do? …and don’t think we forgot about helping you bury that dead you-know-what in the woods because you just had to try that one thing out on her when you were all whacked out on that stuff!
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