PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Quick Site Updates

One week later, and we think it’s safe to call the new redesign a winner with nothing but good vibes coming from all of you. Thanks! That being said we have made two note-worthy changes: 314-669-KTTY We have a new “tip line” phone number: 314-669-K-T-T-Y We still have the contact form, but if you’d rather you can text or leave a message any tips or questions to that number. Like if you were out one night and saw Rams quarterback Sam Bradford hitting on your girlfriend you’d take a picture, text it to us at 314-669-KTTY and then step in and say “You can have her for 500,000k. [Read More]

Just One? Oh KMOV, You’re Just Not Looking Hard Enough!

We noticed this headline last night on KMOV.com, but after a second we realized we always notice this headline on KMOV.com.  Think of the time it saves to just always have this same headline on the home page! If someone calls you on it you’re only wrong for a max of like 30 minutes. It’s brilliant.

The Federal Government Finally Noticed How Hard East St. Louis Sucks

After the recent loss of yet another police chief, this one admitted to stealing XBox’s, the federal and Illinois State government finally realized something: East St. Louis is a big pile of bloody shit. “We are looking at the development of a no-man’s land in certain parts of these communities where there is a complete lack of credible law enforcement,” said St. Clair County State’s Attorney Brendan Kelly, “and the people that live there, their safety is in peril. [Read More]

Cupcake Project Unveils Man’s Greatest Achievement to Date: The Buffalo Chicken Cupcake

Fire and the wheel are totally important and we wouldn’t be where we are today without them, but dude…Buffalo Chicken Cupcakes exist now and that’s just too awesome to ignore. But a big thank you to “fire” which helped bake them, and to “the wheel” for…uh…well we’re pretty sure there’s a wheel involved behind the scenes somewhere. Here’s to Stef, the St. Louisan behind Cup Cake Project.com, and our new favorite person ever. [Read More]

Guy That Escaped Meth House Explosion Gets Busted Via Facebook

A meth lab explosion in Cahokia ended with two men arrested soon after and a third, Gary Morrison, who initially eluded capture, and found the time to update his Facebook profile with a photo of his charred face. A photo that police say will definitely be used against him in his up-coming court case. “It is one of the few times in my 20-year law enforcement career when we have gathered evidence like this using Facebook,” Detective Joe Beliveau said. [Read More]

The Mysterious Running Wilderness Man of the Loop’s Ice Festival

While seemingly every other blog was off covering the weekend’s “Cardinals Winter Warm-Up” we decided we’d grab our camera and cover the weekend’s forgotten event, the Loop’s Ice Festival. We took a bunch of pictures which we could post here and have a few people find mildly entertaining, but we just can’t do that. It just wouldn’t hold a candle to the photos (and video!) we have of the man we’re calling the “Mysterious Running Wilderness Man” who came in a very close second in the morning’s 5k race only to promptly dance to the music and try to high-five people that had little to no interest in high-fiving him. [Read More]

Missouri Governor Hopeful Dave Spence Smartly Tried to Hide Home Economics Major

Dave Spence is a Missouri businessman trying to make a run at the Governor’s office, leaning on the slogan “A Conservative for Missouri” which is brillant because we really don’t have many of those around here and he would really be a shock to those liberal hippies that usually the Missouri state government. Regardless, his plan might have worked had he managed to successfully hide his true college major behind his cloak of “important word dropping”. [Read More]

Punching Kitty Turns Three and Launches New Redesign

Punching Kitty has been around, bringing St. Louis news to your lookin’ balls, for over three years now. (Technically our birthday was on Saturday, the 14th, but today’s good enough for us.) As with previous years, here’s the numbers: 3 years 1,648 articles 2,422 different “tags” Well over a million visitors. 4, maybe 5, bastard groupie kids That’s a pretty great run so far, and while this last year was particularly challenging with all the travel we had to do for the “day job”, we’re excited to keep going for a little while longer. [Read More]

The Brooklyn, Illinois Mayor is a Total Dick

While the Brooklyn, Illinois fire department were called away to an fire-related emergency, the mayor had the firehouse locks changed. All this, a bunch of douche bags in close up black and white bumpers and Ashton Kutcher’s own prank about banging a bunch of sluts while married to Demi Moore on the next super-f*cked up episode of Punk’d! The drama started Thursday evening when the chief says a local commissioner called him saying the mayor changed the locks at the department. [Read More]

Ellisville Deer Takes First Shot in War Against Humans

A deer burst out of the wilderness and rammed an Ellisville woman in to a concrete wall, sending her to the hospital. The war has begun. “It just struck her at a full run,” Metro West Fire District Battalion Chief Mike Krause said. “It’s a tremendous amount of force for a person to sustain. That’s a lot of traumatic force.” “I’ve never have seen anything like it.” Way to go hunters! [Read More]