PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Dear Punching Kitty: First excited, Then Sad, but Always Stupid

We’ve changed a lot here at Punching Kitty over our three and a half years of existence, but we’ve always own up to our copious whoopsies, and enjoy responding to our readers. Sometimes we respond in the comments, sometimes we just trade emails, and sometimes, the note is just so great we have to put it on the site for everyone to enjoy. Can you guess which one is happening today? [Read More]

Dog Poop Causes Fight at Lucas Park

Here’s what we learned from this story: People don’t like to be pooped near. Those same people don’t like being called racial slurs afterward. Police say the 38-year old dog owner got into trouble when his dog relieved himself in the vicinity of a girl lying on the grass. The girl’s father and the dog owner exchanged words. Police say the dog owner, who is white, called the other man, who is black, a racial slur. [Read More]

Your Daily Meth News: Stolen Licenses and the Walmart Lady Returns

There’s just too much meth news in St. Louis these days, so we’re just going to shrink two stories in to one so you can inhale them quickly, just try not to burn your thumb. Guess what? You might have helped this lady buy meth supplies! If you live in Maplewood and recently got your drivers license renewed then your ID might have been used to buy the ingredients for meth…but if you already buy stuff to make meth all the time then don’t worry about it we guess. [Read More]

Highlights From the St. Charles County Incident Report

Sometimes it feels like all we do is cover stories about crime in the city and in the Metro East…which is probably because we do, and probably because there’s lots of it. Like “Aretha Franklin boob skin” a lot. While we love being arbitrarily unfair at times, we do like being fair most of the time and so it’s far past time for us to flip through the St. Charles County “Incident Report” that the Post Dispatch puts together for probably the very same reason. [Read More]

Guy Gets Saved and Then Arrested for Assault

Elijah Wisniewski was rescued from a burning home Thursday after a police officer saw the flames and ran in to the home to save him. Quite a feel good story huh? Nothing like a cop coming the rescue of a man in trouble! …and if this happened anywhere other than the St. Louis area, the story probably would have ended right there, but instead this happened: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that 31-year-old Elijah Wisniewski of Winfield was charged Monday. [Read More]

The John Carney Show Segment: June 14th, 2012

We haven’t mentioned it much on the site yet (other than our header ad you might have seen) but we’ve hooked up with KTRS’ The John Carney Show to do a weekly on air segment. We discuss what was on the site over the last week, or other random shiz with Carney and then we’re done. It’s simple, fun, and since it’s radio, we don’t have to wear pants. The show airs weeknights at 9p – 12am and we usually go on around the 9:45p on Thursdays. [Read More]

St. Louis Started a Washington Avenue Curfew

Friday was the first night with the new 10p – 4a Washington Avenue curfew for any one under 21 and none of the clubs were shot up last weekend (but at this point, who can tell?), so it’s going pretty well so far. St. Louis police turned to a “festival” permit to give them authority to bar anyone under age 21 from the entertainment district along Washington Avenue after 10 pm on Friday and Saturday this weekend. [Read More]

Mizzou Study: Fat Kids Can’t Do Math

According to a study done by University of Missouri, the fatter your kid is, the crappier they are at math. 2 + 2 = “Do we have chips still?” “The findings illustrate the complex relationships among children’s weight, social and emotional well-being, academics and time,” said Sara Gable, associate professor in the MU Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, who led the study. The study followed over six thousand kids from kindergarten to fifth grade, getting info from their families, school, physicals and tests along the way. [Read More]

A Bunch of Snakes Were Stolen From the Aquarium in the City Museum

St. Louis will never run out of things we want to steal. This time it was snakes from the World Aquarium located inside downtown’s City Museum: One six foot long Boa Constrictor, one five foot long California Kingsnake, a four and a half foot long Dumeril’s Boa and a two foot long Ball Python. 17.5 feet of total snake, at an estimated worth of over 10 thousand bucks! “I think they knew these were high valued animals and they could take these animals and market these animals,” said World Aquarium President Leonard Sonnenschein. [Read More]

Alderman Scott Ogilvie Doesn’t Like Gas Station Jell-O Shots

Alderman Scott Ogilvie thinks that we should pass a law in St. Louis barring gas stations from selling anything harder than beer because seeing little bottles of booze makes kids want to drink illegally, and makes adults want to drink and drive…beer is cool though because, maybe he likes beer or something and…dude…totally swearing right now…he drives better with a few beers in the system! For. Reals. “This is the kind of thing that’s being sold right on the counter of many gas stations now,” Ogilvie said, “This is a pre-packaged jello [sic] shot. [Read More]