Lake St. Louis is the Ninth Best Place to Live in America
The Cancer Project Says Hot Dogs Cause Cancer, Tasty Tasty Cancer
The Wiggles are Coming!
Finding Love at Pridefest (by the Porta Potties)
The RFT Tells You the Best Places to Eat Late
Egan O’Keefe from The Riverfront Time’s Gut Check blog has a photo gallery up of the best places to eat after midnight.
We here at Punching Kitty don’t agree much with the first “establishment” on the list, the Eat Rite diner. but we understand its significance.
What do we like? Although it didn’t make the list, we will always love City Diner on South Grand.
[Photo Credit: River Front Times]
St. Louis Pridefest 2009
Mardi Gras Inc Doesn’t Want to See Your Boobs
Go to Blueberry Hill Today For The Gettysburger!
Joe Edwards, Loop Godfather and owner of Blueberry Hill has decided to celebrate Abe Lincoln’s 200th birthday by sticking a flag in to his already amazing burger and call it the Gettysburger! For an added touch, the burger also comes with a copy of the Gettysburg Address, because why not right?
We had one earlier today and it was of course great.
St. Louis Road FAIL
Who the hell would have thought a 140 year old sewer would collapse when someone drove a semi truck carrying 43,000 pounds worth of scrap metal over it?!
I guess they don’t make them like they did 175 years ago…
Via and I’m sure every single nightly news cast tonight.