Farm Aid Coming to St. Louis

Do I really need to talk about this? What’s to talk about? Farm Aid is coming to St. Louis, and its going to be in the horrible Verizon Wire…wait…UMB…um…Riverport. Its coming to Riverport. Shockingly the concert thats about helping people grow things will be fronted by none other than: Willie Nelson, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews. [Editor’s Note: John Mellencamp will be there too, but he didn’t fit in as well with the weed joke we had going. [Read More]

Lake St. Louis is the Ninth Best Place to Live in America

We are of a city-loving sort here at Punching Kitty, but we didn’t spend our formative years in the city, and our mother never lets us forget it. It gets a little harder to brush off your mom’s pro-county arguments when her very own town and the place you grew up grabs the number 9 spot on CNN’s list of the top places to live in America. Sigh. Created 40 years ago as a resort community, this friendly town outside St. [Read More]

The Cancer Project Says Hot Dogs Cause Cancer, Tasty Tasty Cancer

Brace yourselves. A group that calls themselves “The Cancer Project” has decided that they haven’t been in the news enough for their liking, so they are declaring that hot dogs cause cancer. Everything causes cancer, and everyone knows it. This is way to generic to be anything but link-bait bullshit. “Hot Dogs”? If you want people to believe your lie, try to be a little more specific. For instance, if you were to tell me that neon green relish they put on Chicago-style hot dogs causes cancer, well thats something I could buy in to, but “hot dogs? [Read More]

The Wiggles are Coming!

The Wiggles are going to blow the lid of this one horse town on August 11th at the Chaifetz Arena. Boosh! Ok. Honestly I have no freaking idea who these people are. After 15 seconds of research, it seems to me that this concert is going to make Chaifez the place next to the parking lot full of mustachioed skinny, middle-aged white guys holding their binoculars with one hand (give it a second…) as they peer out of the window in the back of their van. [Read More]

Finding Love at Pridefest (by the Porta Potties)

Good luck to you buddy! While others only hang out by the Porta Potties because they drastically miscalculated the amount of beer and fair food they could pack in to their colon, this guy uses that time to find love. This is a guy that takes advantage of every situation! Pride talked to you by the porta potties….. – m4m I talked with you by the Porta potties about if you had been to the Latino Bar by 44. [Read More]

The RFT Tells You the Best Places to Eat Late


Egan O’Keefe from The Riverfront Time’s Gut Check blog has a photo gallery up of the best places to eat after midnight.

We here at Punching Kitty don’t agree much with the first “establishment” on the list, the Eat Rite diner. but we understand its significance.

What do we like?  Although it didn’t make the list, we will always love City Diner on South Grand.

[Photo Credit: River Front Times]


St. Louis Pridefest 2009

If we would have known that by mid Saturday we would be busy hiding from the heat, re-launching this blog, we would have made a point to grab our camera and head over to Pridefest. But we didn’t. We suck. Luckily we live in an age where you don’t have to do anything to pretend you are there, all you need is a few moments to do a Twitter or Flickr search! [Read More]

Mardi Gras Inc Doesn’t Want to See Your Boobs

The RFT’s STLog has the list of fineable situations put out by Mardi Gras Inc. Some of the highlights: Music too loud or in disabonmernt……….$250 Unapproved throws………………………….$100 Lewd behavior / Nudity……………………..$250 So no boobies at Mardi Gras. Sounds like fun. Of course the interesting thing is that this is not a list from the STL PD, this is from Mardi Gras Inc. so I’m interested to see how this goes down when a fine needs to be dealt. [Read More]

Go to Blueberry Hill Today For The Gettysburger!


Joe Edwards, Loop Godfather and owner of Blueberry Hill has decided to celebrate Abe Lincoln’s 200th birthday by sticking a flag in to his already amazing burger and call it the Gettysburger!  For an added touch, the burger also comes with a copy of the Gettysburg Address, because why not right?

We had one earlier today and it was of course great.

St. Louis Road FAIL


Who the hell would have thought a 140 year old sewer would collapse when someone drove a semi truck carrying 43,000 pounds worth of scrap metal over it?!

I guess they don’t make them like they did 175 years ago…

Via and I’m sure every single nightly news cast tonight.

hole  roads  truck