Michael Moore of Kirkwood Hates You Unless You Died in a War

Back in February 2008 five people were killed during a shooting at the Kirkwood City Hall. A lovely memorial was commissioned, work began, and right before it got finished Michael Moore, the loser in the 2008 Kirkwood mayoral race, not the fat guy with a camera, has decided to sue the city because unless you got your head blown off in a war, the taxpayers don’t own you crap. …stupid people getting shot…. [Read More]

Charles Jaco Might be Getting Sued, but He Definitely Can’t Find a Good Comeback

We are hearing from our friends at STLMedia.net that Punching Kitty super-fan, as well as 550 talk show host and Fox2 reporter Charles Jaco might have some files charged against him. No details other than that yet. We do however have proof that Chuck ain’t one for the comebacks. STLMedia via SharpElbows.net posted a recent video recorded by someone at a Tea Party rally trying to get a rise out of Jaco. [Read More]

Are Missouri’s Nudie Bars Going the Way of the Dodo?

Missouri strip clubs are in danger! According to the Riverfront Times a bill that would basically make it pointless to go to or run a strip club in Missouri has passed the state senate, and passed big time! …I hate you state senate. The legislation, sponsored by Senator Matt Bartle (R-Kansas City), includes additional restrictions that would have a devastating impact on sexually oriented businesses, such as: Banning alcohol from strip clubs Requiring they close by midnight Restricting “semi-nude” employees from being within six feet of patrons Prohibiting sexually oriented businesses from operating within 1,000 feet of a pre-existing school, house of worship, state-licensed day care, public library, public park, residence, or other sexually oriented business. [Read More]

Cottleville Mayor Likes the Wacky Tobaccy

Cottleville Mayor Don Yarber has joined the likes of luminaries such as Method Man and Cheech in support of legalizing medical marijuana. Break out those cookies yo! The mayor of Cottleville, a small Missouri town of about 3,000 people, is hoping the Missouri legislature passes a medical marijuana law, allowing those with prescriptions to buy the drug. Yarber, 70, is promoting the concept among lawmakers, a big step for a small town mayor where many constituents are thought to be conservative. [Read More]

Dana Loesch to Twitter: “Why is Everybody Always Picking on Me?”

Dana Loesch to Twitter: “Why is Everybody Always Picking on Me?”
One would think that an outspoken blogger and radio host would be ready and comfortable with people disagreeing with her, but that wasn’t the case today as Loesch lash out on Twitter about her “former” friends. “Tired of fake friends and people who exploit your friendship until they have an opportunity to blog about you.” # “You’re good when you get them free trips but hey, if you’re a conservative you are FAIR GAME. [Read More]

St. Charles County Ambulance Board Members Know How to Party

Dan McLaughlin (right) is quite the St. Charles County Ambulance Board Member. For one, he shares the name of the Cardinals TV broadcaster. For two, he looks like Jack Nicholson’s love child with Eddie Munster. For three, this one time he got drunk and drove around in his car. For four, this other time he got drunk and drove around in his car. For five, this other other time, he got drunk and drove around in his car. [Read More]

Carol Thinks the Post Dispatch Jumped the Shark, and SuperDave Concurs

I’m not 100% sure that Carol knows what “Jumped the Shark” means, but I am sure she must lead a sad little life to have this bug her so much. From STLToday’s Letters to the Editor blog: I think the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has finally jumped the shark. I knew they were biased against Republicans, but to not have put Michael Steele’s picture on the front of Saturday’s newspaper was a major gaffe that spoke volumes. [Read More]