Governor Nixon Gives St. Louis More Jogging Trails, Designated Areas for Muggers

St. Louis just hit the $1.5 million dollar jackpot with money to make jogging trails…or possibly more adequately named: muggable surface area. Any new paths for people to walk, unguarded, in to shady areas with iPod strapped to their arms sure makes things easy, which can only help St. Louis’ single largest export: People that don’t want to live here anymore. Cha-ching! Nixon said he had no problems allocating funds for trails in tough economic times for the state. [Read More]

Reddit User Creates iCal Calendar for Forest Park

mjschultz, a user on the popular news sharing site Reddit, that happens to have a pretty great little St. Louis section, decided to put together a handy little iCal Calendar for easy importing in to whatever it is you use (Google Calendar, Apple iCal, your 5 year old flip phone) so you won’t miss any of the cool stuff that goes down in Forest Park. I’m not sure how many people are interested in this, but I’ve made an iCal calendar file from the official list of events in Forest Park. [Read More]

St. Louis Under Lightning Siege!

St. Louis is being attacked by lightning! …Is there some biblical situation going on we aren’t aware of? First on Monday, two people were struck by lightning. One person, someone STLToday called a “seasonal laborer”, in Forest Park by the Jewel Box and the other Chouteau. A seasonal laborer was reportedly struck at the Jewel Box in Forest Park, Capt. Michael Pickett said. The worker was conscious and alert when paramedics arrived but was taken to Barnes-Jewish Hospital for evaluation. [Read More]

Woman Found Almost Dead in Forest Park Creek Bed. The Boy Scouts Are on the Case!

A family (not pictured) stumbled across a tied up and nearly dead woman laying a creek bed in Forest Park last week. Though if you ask the Post Dispatch, its clear they think the father was the star of the show here, and even mentioned about 100 times that he is a Boy Scout Master. Who cares? Freaking girl nearly died, why do I care why the people who found her were in the park for? [Read More]

Us: Forest Park Sucks to Drive Through, City: Here’s more signs.

Signs! That’s the ticket…the fix to all our troubles! More signs! That’s pretty much the reaction of the city when finally pushed to do something about the amazing traffic jams that surround Forest Park every time its nice and above 60 degrees. After last week’s park congestion, Forest Park, the Missouri Department of Transportation, St. Louis City Streets Department, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the park institutions met to work out a plan to improve traffic flow in Forest Park. [Read More]